
Yikes - I hope it was quick. Some things to keep in mind for the less sympathetic among the commentariat:

Considering how it’s a 34 year-old box that’s been around the world, has an aftermarket turbo installed, still has nothing-special performance, and there’s a warning about water leaks badly afflicting these A2s:

Who cares? It’s a VW - auto ND. 

While this is true, SHR’s demise also has to do with their owners just not really caring about it anymore at the level needed to be successful. Haas has never been all that interested in NASCAR to begin with. Stewart was for a time obviously was, but is way more devoted to NHRA right now. And before that, he was

I saw a hauler on the freeway full of Equinox EVs and went to check a local dealer’s website to see what they are selling for and noticed this: “DEALER ADDED MARKUP DUE TO LIMITED SUPPLY AND INCREASED DEMAND.”

Trump was a disaster for the American solar power industry. He ceded the entire sector to China, which now controls more than 80% of the global photovoltaic panel supply chain. If he’s elected again he will most certainly do that in other nascent industries as well. He is the death of American innovation.

tRump is an idiot and a traitor.  If you still support him, so are you.

Their Fuhrer Trump was studying Adolf Hitler’s speeches, not Karl Marx’s writing. Trump wants to deport Latinos who were born in the US, or what he calls “Anchor Babies” and that does sound a lot like taking German citizenship away from Jewish Germans...

I prefer references to Cheetolini.

The MAGA echo chamber keeps repeating this bullshit.  

It’s not to stop selling gas cars, it’s to sell plug-in cars, and by CA’s rules, any car with a plug and a battery that will take it 20 miles or more is an electric car. All that’s going to happen is that a lot more plug-in hybrids are going to be sold.

American Hitler.

Fascist.  Not communist.  Think of Hitler.  The comparison is valid. 

Hmm... A single politician, deciding unilaterally what an entire industry can or cannot produce, with no regard to the actual market conditions?

He is just saying this because his rural cult sees EVs, wind and solar as cultural genocide. They want their manly gas powered lifestyle to continue forever. 

So what else would you expect from American Hitler?

Do you think Joe Biden invented the electric car?

Trump is such an amazing turd. It’s amazing what you can do with a bunch of fascist billionaire backers and a army of mouth breathing goobers.

A plastic bottle shedding micro plastic and a plastic bottle fully decomposing naturally, including its shed microplastic are two very distinct things. I think it would take centuries to be rid of all evidence of plastic in the environment, even if we stopped producing more plastic today.

You mean the company that constantly lies, also doesn’t tell the truth about its own products in this regard?