
Came here to say the same thing.

Oh jesus that face.

With the electric motor on the rear axel, it’s more of an e-AWD. That’s kind of a shortcut but suitable for most applications when efficiency is the goal. Toyota has offered it since the 2019 Prius and their hybrid technology is likely leaps and bounds beyond whatever Subaru is doing.

All of Toyota’s AWD systems on their sedan/CUV platform have been pure marketing. Regardless of how that rear axle is powered. It’s just not enough applied torque to be useful.

id love for them to show how their awd system is supposed to work in the real world not on a powerpoint. cause the tfl slip test showed it doesnt do shit. it seems to mostly be dead weight and wasted money.

I am gonna break my rule about buying off warranty German luxury cars (a rapidly depreciating asset with high maintenance costs) and go with nice price here.  The car seems to be clean and well maintained, and the miles aren't in the could have driven to the moon range that many cars featured here have been lately. 

He does. He literally had a hurried launch of a rocket on 4/20, because “Haha, I’m a fucking child”. He bought fucking twitter at a price way about it’s worth, because, haha, it’s a funny number. He’s a child. Not an intelligent child, not an average child, but the kind who needs special attention from dedicated

How can he drop the Model 2, though? It’ll totally mess up his ‘2 S3XY’ acronym. (I assume he makes all his management decisions via elementary school letter games...)

I have also experienced this issue in my ‘21 Accord. I was driving down a 4-lane at night in Nashville with no other car’s around. The car immediatly beeped and stood on the brakes HARD for about 1 second. My wife was so angry thinking that I did it on purpose.

I have a ‘22 Accord, and this has happened to me two or three times.

He should move it onto the interstate, that’ll show Tom Cotton!

“Then, of course, you get violently attacked by these guys.”

Sold above ask!

Rustic open-plan concept waterfront cottage. Easy access to highway. Diamond in the rough waiting for a little TLC.

And commercial vacancy topped 20% for the first time in decades during 2023. So much wasted space. 

16 million empty houses in America.

Just for some perspective,... $56,000,000,000 distributed among the 14,000 people they just shitcanned would be $4,000,000.00 a person.

folks wondered how this could happen,

in regards to Musk, calling him “Tesla’s most important employee.”

Elon is just proving to everyone that CEO’s are absolutely not worth what we have to pay for them. Why should he absorb all the money that the laid off employees would have made in their whole careers? Does he do the work of 15,000 people? Shit, does he do the work of 5 people? No.