
They take all of that quite seriously.

Pepperidge Farm will remember when they do.

Back in my day, turbo used to mean something.

Just wait until the Italian government finds out about these...

Anytime a reduction in force happens to be an incredibly round number, like 10% of employees, it’s a great indicator that it’s not the result of careful analysis identifying redundant/unnecessary jobs to eliminate, but more of a knee jerk process of trying to keep investors happy. And whenever that’s the way you run

Now playing

I’ll start criticizing America’s love for gas powertrains when an EV truck can drive across Texas without having to stop four times to charge, eight times if they’re towing.

I wish you the best of luck finding a new position not working for that douchebag. 

Ouch. Hope you find something better real soon

yup, woke up to get ready for work this morning to a email from elon saying I was let go, fun

Here in California where you’d think reregistering a total loss vehicle would involve having all what you outline in Alberta plus having an endangered box turtle supervise the entire build and sign off at the end - here is what is required:

The umbrella is missing? Why even bother with it, then? Maybe you can do something silly like put a bong or a dildo in the umbrella holder to get this project back on track.

Ugly cars can be incredibly cool. That car is ugly. It is also cool. 

That is fucking hideous

Setting aside all the Elon nonsense...how about redesigning the cars?!?!  With the exception of the Cybertruck (which is new), the other cars have old-as-shit designs at this point and are sorely in need of MAJOR updates, not this garbage where they do a mid-cycle refresh and call it a new car (Model S and 3 front

My bet is that Tesla’s best days are behind it. 

Being a shithead, not great for business. Who knew?

  • Talked to God

It’s probably already a problem in Louisiana. Supercharger next to a lake that’s home to plenty of gators.

Can’t wait to have alligators blocking the chargers.

This looks like the VW CC’s overweight cousin.