
“When I was President we had tremendous covid, strong American covid, not this weak liberal covid,” Trump added.  “Re-elect me and I’ll make covid-19 great again!”

They will do one of two things (probably both):

That, and all the people previously bitching online about him making the gas high- so is he suddenly making it low now (and are they going to thank him the way they slammed him for allegedly making the prices high)?

I’m getting a lot of SM from the rear (phrasing).  Lovely.

More accurately, they never expected it to reach a temperature that has never occured before in the history of the British Isles. (England’s climate is not normally even remotely similar to that of California or Arizona.)

If the planet’s efforts at getting rid of us can be thwarted by just not engaging in physical contact with people who look sick then the planet clearly doesn’t want to shed itself of us that badly.

In fairness, it does take time to fight over an inheritance.

There is no dealing with Machin, though. He’s gonna do whatever he wants to, and what Manchin wants is to screw over Democrats every chance he gets. What’s Manchin doing for them right now? What’s Manchin done for them lately? Fuck it, get him gone, by any means necessary. Every single time they need Manchin, he fucks

officials were looking into the possibility that she fell down a set of stairs.

The only thing he hated more than that job was losing it. The job was work, and he hates work. But winning it meant (to him) that people loved him and losing it meant they didn’t. Doesn’t matter (to him) that he won with less than 50% of the vote. He doesn’t understand how the electoral college works anyway.

This saga reminds me a bit of when Trump actually became president, and it really seemed like he didn’t actually want the job. 

Fuck Joe Manchin. We need two Dem senators in Florida (and more in PA and WI). Making Joe Manchin redundant should be the top goal of every Democrat in the country.

After the emissions mandate came down, all of ‘em. They were so choked with those systems that nothing made good power or gas mileage. 

The 2-yr. old Fox News story has not been updated with the truth.  There are hundreds of comments with many thousands of likes that say that Democrats are terrorists, etc.  Lies travel very quickly, and few people are still around and paying attention when the truth comes out.  

It's got to be smarter then the clowns Abbott has running around down there.

I shall remain in the comfort of my Air Conditioned, pricey yet good bang for my buck domicile here in CA for that exact reason. We’ve got our issues to be sure but not on TX’s level...

So, Biden actually got Mexico to pay for the border wall, and Trump didn’t, lol.

But hey! At least it’s not Commiefornia! What they need is more Guns and more Jesus. Those 2 things will solve all of Texans’ problems!

I mostly agree, although, there are elderly folks and those with other comorbidities, such as diabetes, that may not fair well, either. That being stated, I would venture to guess that most people have been exposed to some flavor of Covid by now, whether they presented symptoms or not.

“The whole point behind the sound is for the benefit of blind people.”