
Warnock needs to go hard and relentless in calling out Walker for his lies and his policy incoherence. Embarrass him in the name of the Lord! Seriously. Nothing should be off limits. This is do or die. The MAGA crowds will vote for a potato before a Democrat. Recognize this and lean into your base, Senator Warnock! 

What’s interesting is that the Luhansk flag must have gone up to the ISS no later than June 3.  That was the most recent Progress flight; Russia has had no more recent opportunity to deliver cargo.  They’ve been planning this little photo op for at least a month.

This fool belongs in assisted living not the Senate.

Or a sugar tax, there’s so much sugar in everything we buy at the supermarket.

Should be financed with a tax on soda. I like a Coke every now and then, but jesus that shit has ruined our health. The cheapness, ubiquity- sugar of that quantity is just as addictive and deleterious to one’s health as hard drugs.

How many times now has Trump thrown Nunes under the bus?

Take his Jeep away too. Make him get around on a bike. That would be justice!

I used to ride thousands of miles a year and now I rarely ride on the road at all.  Cellphones, talk radio, and just irrational hatred are too much to bear - I’m not risking my life because some jackass read on 4chan that all cyclists are communists.  And the ones who aren't actively trying to hit you, a substantial

This is No. 5 Million on why Texas sucks besides their god awful hot weather and cruel and mean spirited government.

These cops are scumbags AND idiots. “He said, she said”?! There’s a fucking video. The person shows you the video and you decline to act, and lie publicly about the reason. OF COURSE, the video is going to be posted and it’s going to go viral.

Just...fuck Texas. Really. Why do people choose to live there?

Everything is bigger in TX, including stupidity. So dumb. That should be a felony.

I feel bad for the cyclist, and he fears for his saftey, but goddammit! He needs to press charges. The DA also needs to charge this asshole with attempted murder and send his ass to prison. Otherwise, as it stands, he gets a slap on the wrist and then what? Next time he actually plows into a cyclist and kills him\her?

This is why I absolutely refuse to ride on the street at all any more and ride exclusively on bike paths. I firmly believe that a good 15-20% of the population has gone completely unhinged insane. 

And they’ll say nothing can be done about cyclist and pedestrian deaths.