
OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush was not a Republican mega-donor, but his donations over the years leaned heavily toward Republican candidates.

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush was not a Republican mega-donor, but his donations over the years leaned heavily toward Republican candidates.

The walls of this are 5 inch thick carbon fiber which is reinforced plastic. With repeated stresses this material is doomed to fail without warning. Fame & fortune comes at a heavy price to this CEO & others. Carbon fiber bicycle forks don’t bend, they snap without warning if abused too.

Trump won’t ever reach the Oval office again so there’s no VP position to be had. He has way too much legal trouble to overcome.

1960 BMW Coupe perhaps before many of you were born.

These two have the right idea

It’s a macho thing to use against others on the highway to tailgate and intimidate others to go faster. The SUV has taken up the fight also.

These people paid $250K for this adventure, on the flip side, I wouldn’t go on that adventure if someone were to offer me that same amount. I may be poor but not crazy. Good luck for their survival, they need it.

I love how car companies who have headquarters in California continually produce designs that don’t have a space for a front license plate. This car isn’t legal in California like the other 29 states that require a front, what gives?

Would be nice to have a mount that takes the place of roof mounted antennas, the view would be awesome. My Ford Focus antenna unscrews easily.

How did we survive 100+ years without engine covers? Are manufactures trying to hide impending doom when there a leakage of vital fluids?

Tractor-trailers transport cars too. Perhaps they need to get busy and hire more trucking companies. Rail company’s are having a tough time keeping their trains on the rails anyway.

In Georgia it was determined FOUR dead people voted.

What do you expect from this insurrectionist loser?

Should she run for political office as a Republican instead? ‘Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.’

And after spending $40K for it you’ll need to registered it in another state other than California because it won’t pass the smog test. My guess this is someones idea to make a big profit.

The old adage; ‘speed cost $ how fast do you want to go.’

Boycott TEXAS & FLORIDA home to 2 asshole Governors.

DeathSantis is all about doing as much damage to Florida as possible. Like signing into law the permit-less concealed carry law, like they need more armed idiots on their streets.

The title looks like age discrimination to me. I was driving a 70 foot long tractor-trailer @ 63 without ever hitting anything just fine.