
Wrong, it’s already won the pit stop challenge and fans loved it too. I hope it blows their doors off in the race.

Any car with a touchscreen should be at the top of the list. What a poor excuse for driver controls, having fingerprints and smudges front and center is gross.

I’ve owned half a dozen Volkswagen autos and after Dieselgate they can pound-sand and take a freaking hike. There too many better choices than to endorse a cheating bunch of bastards with Fahrvergnügen.

Open mental health institutions that Ronald Reagan closed in the 1980's would go a long way to helping the un-housed in Los Angeles.

Italian cars have never been known to be reliable and with their electric systems sure aren’t their strong suit either.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” P. T. Barnum

Wow thanks, just last night I was thinking I need a new pillow, and a cooling pillow hits the nail on the head as it’s hot as hell in the summer where I live in Northern California at night.

Wow thanks, just last night I was thinking I need a new pillow, and a cooling pillow hits the nail on the head as

VW has taken this to heart;  “There’s a sucker born every minute” P. T. Barnum. Even if they only built one it’s still too much $.

No doubt, in 1971 a Ferrari Daytona sold new for $21K. How far will this craziness continue for a pocket rocket?

Add food to that list too if you visit bear country on your summer vacation because they’ll make themselves a home in your car to get at it.

KIA thieves could receive a good dose of KARMA if driving the stolen cars air-bag takes them out while driving their stolen ride, how sweet is that!

2014 Ford Focus ST

Will owners experience the same fleeting feeling as the ICE cars that are so easily stolen?

Best capture ever. Imagine the poor wrecker driver shorts need changing now.

Well as it turns out all the tailgating freaks who like to follow big trucks too closely may not be such a good idea after all.

Bavarian Motor Works POS that’s ugley as hell, what’s not to like?

It needs a bumper sticker, ‘don’t come a knocking what this winner is a shaking’ to be complete now.

Ford had this idea back in 2014 with Screaming Tangerine, when they made this beauty. No one can claim they didn’t see me.

As someone who’s owned a dozen VW’s in my life after Dieselgate came to light I’ll never own another. Screw them, there are so many other better cars on the market they can screw themselves for all I care.

Mine just so happens to be the car I own, Tangerine Scream on a 2014 Ford Focus ST. As an old geezer I’m more concerned about safety than avoiding speed enforcement Cops.