whatever is convenient
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Welp, I guess this is how this season is gonna play out? Dirty racing?

Check out this picture. They even wear the same outfit.

Everything about this woman is boring. I can’t even say she’s vanilla, because vanilla is actually delicious.

Maybe a hint that tigers & people are bad mix anytime AND maybe wild animals shouldn’t be in fucking cages so dumbass hicks can gawk at them.

I do blame the police. And the entire justice system for letting this known rapist/abuser out of prison.

Wait...the gardener is named Mr. Lawn?!

Nah, Denton paid the writers off so his people would have more hate clicks.

I love the over-the-shoulder side eye courtesy of Guy in Melon-Colored Pants. He is a side eye Jedi Master.

“Wait.... DON’T?”

Gotta watch out for those speed bumps...

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What, you mean Alanis and you didn’t perform the “Red Bull Two Step” for the crowd?

After spending much of the rain delay chatting to crew members on pit lane, I can definitely understand why they need to stretch before hustling around tires, fuel and jacks. Please, enjoy Team Penske’s pre-race calisthenics. Personally, I’m a fan of the “I’m the statue on top of a fountain” pose.

Come on man, if you are agnostic you should get this... I can’t believe 8 other people agree with you.

It was a piss-poor political speech from a redneck who makes duck calls, you sanctimonious redneck.

Wow. Obviously I know NASCAR is a southern thing but still surprised that such a shamelessly corporate entity would hold prayers, let alone by that fucking guy.

The invocation, yes. Other racing series too, like Indycar.

Beats watching cars go in circles all day. Half the fun of spectating rally is exploring back roads, chatting with everyone, talking to the drivers at parc expose, service, or after the rally. What other car sport can you have a sandwich with a driver between stages?

Also, why aren’t lasers involved?

I’ve never bothered with transformer movies, since I fancy myself as somebody with a taste for movies except for those cases where I don’t have one. Either way, Transformers doesn’t make the cut.

But reading your very short synopsis... So Transformers is basically Björk’s “Modern Things” made into a movie?

Okay, why does the CIA need to collect DNA from you, or me, or anyone that just lives a normal everyday life?