whatever is convenient

How does that go? “Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need?”

Exactly. He is scum. Hero reports rape to his boss but not the police? Then manages to live with it for eleven years until he is fired? I must be missing some vital fact.

What could be more respectful than wearing the host country’s flag on your Budgie Smugglers? *baffled*

If she is a hero to Jezebel, you must be desperate for heroes.

I’ve been into stancing since I was a small boy.

I feel like a North Korean movie about Kim Jong-un would get the exact same type of response. But whatever.

That is also my favorite.

I think they are targeting me because I have to watch now that Mimi is on it and I don’t even own a tv. Good thing it’s on Fox Now.

I think you have gay and crossdressing mixed up.

I actually thought that top one was from me. Fuck you, Thomas!

You mean the person you never wrote about but who now needs to be trashed?

It sounds like they were “friends” before it happened. They aren’t the type to call the police so they decided to beat him as punishment for the previous sexual assault. He agreed. After they beat him they thought they would go get high with him, because he had learned his lesson.
He hadn’t. So the guy decided to kill

“we are accidents waiting to happen”

Probably, but each other?

Also, Operation Paperclip never happened...

That’s hardly a defense. The idea is that he wouldn’t help fake the Moon Landing because he was a good person, but what if there was a motive that would entice a good person? I’m not saying it’s true or false, but Room 237 makes an interesting and persuasive (to me) argument that The Shining is loaded with references

I’m not really sure they should be allowed to detain anyone.

Now playing

He is responsible for Millions of Dead Chickens.

Yes, Walter Cronkite and Barbara Walters are just out of frame.

They did speak to her. She refers to it when she says something like “I told you he was dead. Don’t say you don’t know.” The woman is a racist and probably on meth and lives in a trailer. But really this is about the racial slur. If a black woman did this to a white reporter after her son was murdered by police I