whatever is convenient

Somehow I think having her boobs out fascinates the commentariat enough that they’re willing to suspend judgement on the other offenses in the off chance there might be photographic evidence provided at some point.

Was expecting Arizona State... :-/

This so many times. I remember reading about this case everyday and being both horrified that he basically decided to sleep on it and relieved that at least he told someone. I tend to learn more towards him being a piece of shit than a decent dude. Whole thing was so messed.

McQueary is such a mixed bag. He certainly should have won the suit. He certainly did the right thing in reporting the rape to responsible parties.

great, now he doesn’t need his dad to cover his gambling expenses anymore

“Thats gotta be one charmin’ motherfucker. I mean way more charmin’ than that Arnold on Green Acres.”


Did Gwen better than Gwen. Britney is Back Bitches!

What if you had a yellow Ford GT with purple stripes and purple interior with yellow French stitching? Would you give it away then $kaycog? I don't think you would.

To be quite frank, if you are fearing for your own life, and the safety of your 4-year old daughter, not to mention the fading life of your innocent boyfriend, you should be able to put any damn thing you want on your Facebook if you think it’ll lead to you getting some help.

Mutual bearding.

predicting it now, ~2021: “Rolls Royce accidentally produces the first true AI in order to figure out when the driver should most optimally receive road head”

Maybe he hoped that they would forgive him? Best reason I could think of.

Nice Corvette.