Gyu-Don Giovanni

May is really nothing but Trump in a bad dress.

Sumerian kings or nothing!

I like the way you think!

He makes an excellent door stop.

“Give in to the Dark voice! Is that my voice?”

Blackagar Boltagon? Seriously? Blackagar Boltagon??

Alt-White privilege.

Who says Ivanka is Trump’s biological daughter? Have we seen her birth certificate (a real one, not an electronic facsimile)? DNA test?

It is the lever to a really, really huuge slot machine at the new Trump Casino and Hotel Riyadh. Odds are 10 to 1 that it’ll be bankrupt in a year.

So, space-witches?

Many people are saying that Trump doesn’t have a dick, so he must be a witch.

This bunch would f*ck up a wet dream.

Samurai cats have been around for a while....

Will the all the rooms be bugged?

Well, they DO sell a variety of dongles....

All the on-air personalities had to attend a mandatory Klan rally....

How about charging the motherfucker under the RICO laws? Clearly, he’s organizing for blatantly and ongoing criminal acts.

This is what happens when you let Trump, Bannon, and Sessions roam around unsupervised.

It will be a shiny, silver rectangle, about the size and thickness of a drink coaster, with a single USB-C port in back for both power and (optional*) speakers.

Kushner isn’t family, and he’s keeping Creepy Donald away from Ivanka. Bannon might actually have a chance...