Falco Girgis

Haters gonna hate... Just wanted to let you know that I personally read this, and I will not dignify you with a detailed response. Keep keeping it classy, bro! ;)

Holy crap, I had actually never heard of "Hydlide." The slimes were actually a Dragon Warrior/Quest throwback. I am totally going to pick up a copy of this game now.

Hey dude, lead engine developer here. Check the 3D perspective SCREENSHOTS on our Kickstarter page, and please ignore what you saw in the video. We revised how we were handling that perspective geometrically, and it looks much nicer now. Unfortunately that was after we had recorded the video for our KS campaign...

Keepin' it classy.

...Wow. Have you ever heard of this one little RPG called... Oh, I don't know... SECRET OF MANA?

I do agree that we have too many blonds in Loren right now. You have a good point. OOH PATRIIIIICK!

You're right. You're absolutely right... But I think all the people on Kickstarter giving us their money right now didn't get your memo. ;)

Whoah. Thanks man! Played quite a few of these, but it looks like there's still more studying for us to do.

Totally! Those are both stretch goals! :D

Thank you so much man, I truly appreciate it.

Good questions! Qt Creator is the main IDE I use for development, just because we're targeting so many platforms, it integrates nicely with cmake, and it operates consistently across operating system. The camera angle is dynamic, swapping between a 2D orthographic projection and a 3D perspective projection. Yes,

LOL! <3

It truly is unfortunate that because other developers have done you wrong the past, our team, who has poured our hearts and souls into this projects are paying the price... and it's honestly not your fault at all either. I would be doing the exact same thing... One thing about us is that we have always been insanely

Can we get a more detailed criticism to hand off to the artists?

Thanks so much, man. You totally understand us creatively! The feels!

Our artists are literally locked in a bitter battle right now for what the new player sprite art direction will be... I just sit here and solve math problems and stuff.

Phil attacks people who are supporting him and his work. That's a fine line I will never cross, although I would probably kill myself too if we didn't finish ES. ;)

But anyway, the storyline from an abstract standpoint is developed fairly democratically with Tyler and myself probably in the lead, but the rest of the

Actually, the main character is supposed to be a fairly ordinary looking dude thrust into a very extraordinary environment. You have yet to see any of the other party members, who are quite a bit more "unique" looking. You're judging the main character as though he's uninspired and boring, when that was actually an

...Srsly? Off to Wikipedia for research...

Actually, no. I have no idea how Kotaku works, and I didn't realize the first post was pending. I figured it was deleted for profanity... Calm down, brosephine.