Falco Girgis

PSN is down? In all seriousness, I can log onto my Dreamcast right now and play Quake 3 Arena and Phantasy Star Online still... Dafuq, Sony!?

No idea what the context was behind this, but we're totally groovin' over here at the dev studio now...

Whoops. Disregard the last post. Responded to the wrong thread! Haha.

No idea what the context was here... but I'm groovin'.

Wow. I'm honored at the very thought of ES sitting next to Earthbound...

Thanks, man, we really appreciate it! The only reason we got funded on Kickstarter and have made it this far is because of you guys. Your feedback and involvement helps us to make a better product, so we always try to stay engaged!

We're totally writing all of these games down that you're referencing for research... Well, the ones we weren't already super into, haha.

That's why you needed to upgrade to dat Dreamcast broadband adapter, bro!

You're absolutely right, and I know that. My whole team can attest to the fact that I basically wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to people hating on my work on the internet. It's hard to not take things personally when you've spent so much time working on a project and have become so emotionally invested in

I approve of this dude's name! :D

Nah, that's a Kickstarter stretch goal you have to unlock first! lol jk.

Srsly? I gotta play this then...

Email me, bro. Lets talk. We're both developers with 2D/3D RPGs. There should be respect and support. No hard feelings.

Seriously, you had some moderately decent points at first, before you trailed off into opinion and bitterness and lost me completely. First of all, our newest batches of screenshots clearly demonstrate billboarding and alignment to the camera space. Secondly, bump mapping? REALLY? There's an entire section of our

Yeeeees! You'll be glad you had those CR2032 batteries handy for ES, haha.

Totally agree with you there. We weren't trying to just give it a facelift graphically and call it a day. We've introduced platforming, action, and survival-horror mechanics into the mix along with environmental interaction through a full-fledged rigid body physics engine. We really are trying to innovate gameplay as

You know, half of what you said was actually fairly useful, but then the other half went into opinionated, biased, tangential bullshit, and you lost me entirely. Bump mapping? Have you LOOKED at our Kickstarter? Our sprites are CLEARLY bump mapped, and they're also specularly highlighted. There's even a section

Yep, it totally will!

Thank you so much, man. It means a lot!