
*Should of

the report says stories on “sensitive topics” were regularly forwarded to women on staff to informally sign off on

Wait a second. ESPN’s chief College Football reporter has said that this was a major new milestone in accountability and moral standards in the NCAA. And, I can’t both be right.

I’m really surprised that Baylor repackaged and summarized the investigation and released its summary. Except for leaving out specifics, it almost reads like a testifying expert’s report confirming Baylor’s liability for Title IX causes of action brought by the victims. And now it’s in a public document on Baylor’s

Hard to believe that a church affiliated entity might have trouble dealing with sexual crimes

They’re really going ahead with this, aren’t they? Athletes competing in raw sewage, spectators flocking toward an epidemic, infrastructure collapsing in real time: It’s got the complete package. Idiocy, corruption and willful blindness. Just perfect.

This idiotic Wilbon article is what I would have expected if Whitlock was running that site. I’m normally a pretty calm person, but I was so irrationally mad about this yesterday that if I saw Wilbon on the street I would have screamed at him. He basically wrote an article that says “black people are very emotional

He appeals to a rapidly-aging, blue collar, white fanbase that fears change.

WWII vet with a Kinja. I’ve seen it all.

People who hate football (soccer) for no reason, other than the offside rule is just too complicated for them to understand, remind me a lot of Trump supporters. They hate what they don’t understand and they don’t understand a lot of things because they are fucking morons.

What’s his appeal? Not a rhetorical question. I’m sincerely curious.

The 30-inch Zyla

Searching for it...

It’d be nice for them to win another championship in Oakland. Before they pull the ultimate tech-bro douchebag dick kick and more the team to San Francisco.

Nope. Different brands calculate it differently. There is no One True Bra Size.

I just wanted to share that I just received an email from Davis Smith (i.e. Cotopaxi’s CEO, from this story). He explained a lot of the things that I was confused about and I wanted to make sure his perspective got heard. The following is shared with his permission:

No snark: This IS a cool story, bro.

It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.

So you’re conceding that this is a job and that all NCAA athletes should be getting paid for their services? If not, then fuck that let them have fun.

I, for one, am extremely happy to see the NCAA crack down on this kind of nonsense.