
did this ever really happen or are people misremembering it? Is this proof of a parallel universe?

I heard they went on to say that Iraqis must have done it and we need to depose Saddam Hussein immediately because we’ve located WMDs in and around Tikrit and Baghdad, if you needed more proof that they were absolutely disconnected from reality.

“Well, I’m sorry if you just can’t handle a fan of sport making sure the rules are followed, good sir.”, the dickbag says, just before calling the HOA about those infernal children selling their damned lemonade down the street.

What if I told you a study in Australia looking at bike-car crashes and near-misses in Melbourne (thanks to an extensive camera network) found that in over 88% of those cases the bike was doing what they were supposed to be doing and the drivers of the car were the problem?

Why should I carry that much liability when my vehicle is not capable of doing 1% of the damage as yours in an accident? Sure, there is the extremely rare case that I could strike and kill or injure a pedestrian but those incidents are incredibly rare. There is no possible defense of the proposition that cyclists

So instead of shave it from football, which could easily stand it, let’s cut a ton of other programs.

So then why wasn’t football cut? UND loses more to football than to the other programs that have been (somewhat) recently cut.

So, no hockey. But at least she can enjoy all the culture.

Either you’re a university administrator here to troll, or you missed the shit out of your calling in life.

I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

I believe supporting women’s sports benefits the society at large because it increases girls’ participation, which is good for their bodies and minds and self-worth.

People aren’t paid just by how much money they generate, but by how valuable they are to their employers. If USA Hockey wants to continue winning medals, it’s gonna cost them more.

Her name, Eliza Samudio, didn’t even appear in this article which was sympathetic to her.

Because she’s not a person. She’s a “mistake” he made.

Oh no man, this guy should still be jail. Probably longer than 22 years.

6 years, to me, is not really serving your time for killing a human being & feeding them to a dog. Add to that the fact that he got out on a technicality, and its somehow even worse. I wouldn’t agree that he paid for his crimes.

Lots of me me me, my family, etc. Very little about the woman he murdered. He’s not a bad guy, people. He’s doing alright after the trauma he suffered.

I’ve been through the worst.

I absolutely love when people don’t read the article, and the comment they make is literally mentioned in the first sentence. Well done. +1