Professionals?! Having fun on the diamond?! The unwritten rules have GOTTA say something about this, right?!
Professionals?! Having fun on the diamond?! The unwritten rules have GOTTA say something about this, right?!
On the plus side, the team now knows where to find a quality Fwd: FW: FWD:
My husband does this too, usually from another room. I find it hilarious. Funnier still when I send him pics of random dicks in return, but he doesn’t agree.
Are you sure that's not one of those asshole pics?
I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.
This is correct. Never send unsolicited dick pics! You never know how many people the recipient may show your dick pic to and laugh.
Look, soccer is just too boring for a guy who has spent 5 hours a day for 30 years debating middle reliever usage in regular season baseball games.
I don’t doubt the NBA would love their pets in OKC to win big to justify their role in stealing the team away from their original city.
It’s a shitty situation - the Heat obviously want Bosh to play, but not at the risk of his health or his life
This take is wrong AND bad.
While the botched executions with questionable drugs are tragic, everyone needs to realize that so-called ‘legitimate’ execution drugs weren’t much better. There was never any specific or coherent science behind them, they were just someone’s best guess and it ended up being adopted almost fait accompli. While the…
strangulation is an especially serious form of domestic violence and a major risk factor for homicide. being a victim of non-fatal strangulation increases the risk of being a murder victim by 7 times.
I think it depends on exactly what that furniture looks like...
I could say something political, I could make a joke, but really I’m just fucking tired of people killing one another for any reason.
I’m all for the FIFA and UEFA (and MLS!) walkout anthems though. The NBA needs to come up with its own league anthem that they can turn into a Heineken ad campaign.
I agree that anthems shouldn’t be at non national sporting events
Dismissed after the charges, but probably because
These “paramedics” failed in every aspect of BLS. No CPR. No urgency. Lack or proper equipment. The chances to brought back are GREATLY increased if a defibrillator is applied within the first two minutes of cardiac arrest. This was a critical failure in every aspect. His family has every right to sue.
Sad. Though it may not always affect the ultimate outcome, starting basic CPR can help in certain cases.
Earlier this week, during a Arizona/Los Angeles game on the MLB network, Vin explained why the foul pole has the netting. Apparently it all stems from a particular game at the Polo Grounds in the 1930s. A GAME VIN SCULLY WAS AT.