
I'm loving the way that they're a family instead of a monarchy that generally gives the children to the help to raise. I read once that the boys would run down the hall each morning to snuggle with Princess Diana, and it was absolutely unheard of prior. This is just sweet.

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Why do I read anything with "Bryan Singer" as "Bryan Adams"?

well here's a conundrum. We moved states to get away from my parents, but now they're starting to insist on visiting every other month. We have their only grandchildren (they don't consider my sister's step-daughter a real grandchild) so they want to see them as much as possible. The mere thought of them drives me to

I walk miles everyday in cole Han air bacara ballet flats. They were recommended a while ago on here and I wear them everyday to work. I wear out a pair every year.

What in the this video?

I know! I was thinking the same thing!

I think so too!

HAHAHA I read this as Gwyneth. I was like...wha?

Had to find the movie and watch it again. I forgot how much I love it and how Heath Ledger and his character still give me butterflies 15 years later.

I didn't think people who lived in Phinney had guns.

I google image searched Bezoar. You were right.

Real world Hawaii, because I'm from Hawaii and ran into that crew all the time. It's when I realized how fake reality tv really was - getting ushered through kitchens of restaurants so we didn't disturb filming. Bah. Plus they were total douchbags.

Alrighty then.

I think we all know someone who has died from cancer, who has cancer, or has been impacted by it. If every hot person making money by being hot gave that money towards Cancer Research, I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing to raise awareness in any form possible. Whatever, maybe he's being a selfish

Watch it above, then let's talk about that sad Subway Cold Cut Trio combo you had for lunch. Did you get Cheetos or Baked Lays for a side? Yeah, I usually go with the Cheetos.

Me too!

Oh that child. I just want to hold her and tell her she doesn't need to be that responsible. She's clearly seen more and is more capable of most of us adults - I wish she has opportunities to just be a kid. Clearly she loves her mother, but this is heartbreaking. It's why I would love to be a foster parent, but with

Not only the Christians, but the fake Buddists too. Was waiting tables during lunch when a conference of zen buddists left a workshop on "Patience and Understanding", entered the restaurant, and every. single. server. cried that day. They were the shittiest, least patient and understanding crowd ever. All these

I have! I love it. It's great. It's worth it. (I was legally blind like you are - I couldn't even see anything that was further than 6 in from my face). It's worth it to get a doctor that you trust (instead of placating words, they tell you the truth), I don't have to worry about literally walking into traffic