
And boys!! We're teaching our 1 and 3 year old sons that it's ok to be different, even if it's not like everyone else. "Mama, why did Elsa close the door?" "Because she's closing the door on all the people who were mean to her because they didn't understand her."

I don't know...have you seen Frozen? I wasn't a huge fan of the song until I saw the movie...and now I'm like "FUCK YEAH ELSA! YOU TELL THEM GIRL!"

This is horrific. And painful, both physically and emotionally. I can't imagine them not realizing that when your boobs become hard as rocks and the size of cantaloupes, perhaps something should be done about it. The longest I went before I started to cry and manually express them into the sink was probably 8

Dude I love this. Best thing ever. My 3-year old son is belting this out with her.

I love airline food and am not afraid to admit it!

Ovulation makes me a raging bitch. Thanks to birth control pills I still have a husband and two kids.

THIS is smart advertising.

That's great though. They want something, they earn the money to buy it instead of putting it on a credit card or something. Go kid.

Yup he told me it was just water vapor and nothing else. Ain't happening around my kids. Caffeine also isn't allowed, because they're tiny! Thanks for the info!

So here's my question: My brother vapes in the car next to my kids. I was like, what are you doing, and he said "It's just water vapor!" I totally don't know how to respond to that. I used to smoke and I don't have a problem with doing whatever whenever - but is it completely, absolutely, totally harmless that

I think that's totally normal for both sexes! I think it has to do with being such the focus of someone's attention that you feel uncomfortable around...I bet celebrities take a lot of long, hot showers!

My husband and I have both been in restaurants for the majority of the 13 years we've been together - which means that we never celebrate Valentine's Day. It's usually the most miserable dining experience - guests get pissed if the other person doesn't react the way they want them to, others spend tons of money in

It was normal before we had kids!

I guess I know what I'm getting my husband for Valentine's day.

The unexposed side effect of my birth control pill is "keeping mommy fucking sane". Because when my hormones are not regulated, I turn into a raving bitch. I've been on, I've been off. I prefer on (and so do my husband and kids).

I want to be as fabulous as Harper Beckham's baby toe. That would make me happy. I like the Beckhams, always have. And the entire family is stunning.

Isn't Beyonce a legitimate hall pass? I mean, really. She's on everyone's list, right?

Am I the only one who ever takes a selfie for fun, shrieks "eek!" and deletes it? Because I could never take a pic of myself like these actors and actresses. They look great, but it's such a raw look. I could never. Eek indeed.

My sister lived in Russia for a few years and used to send me pictures of the dogs riding the train. They did not attack anyone, they didn't harm anything. They were mostly chill and cute to look at. Also, they're everywhere so everyone just coexisted peacefully (like you said).

You joking? Sign me up! The last time my in-laws babysat my kids for 2 hours, my father-in-law handed the baby off to a stranger because he didn't know what to do when the little guy cried. A literal stranger. Some random lady in the mall.