
You know, I know there's this whole "Your Boyfriend Tom Hiddleston" thing around here, but I have to say, I'm not of the collective mindset. The whole "your boyfriend", "your bff" thing bugs me, because I'm pretty sure this site has a million and one readers, and - surprise! - we're not all the same.

I love her. That's all I'm saying about that.

My toddlers are cute. This isn't.

The thing about his school is he takes a school bus, and that's sort of a "who ever takes him off the bus" type of thing. I can't imagine that the driver would let him off with someone weird, but maybe I should reiterate again.

Yeah, that's what my husband said too. He said it sounded to him like he was hitting on me. I guess I'm really still not accustomed to guys using compliments of my kids as a pickup's pretty creepy to me.

Here's a question for everyone: I got a crazy creeper vibe from a guy I had my car serviced from today, and am now freaking out over a CSI/Criminal Minds-type psycho. I'm insane, I know, but would you take any precautions?

Good god that's amazing. Now I'm trying to find dirty dancing on Netflix or amazon instant. I love that movie.
My favorite clothed sex scene that gets me hot and bothered is like a second long - but what a second! Atonement - the library scene. Damn. I can't even, sometimes.

That's what my husband's mother taught him to do - the men in the family never did the dishes but they were supposed to rinse it and leave it for her to load. I drives me bonkers. It's taken 12 years to undo what she did to him - gah!!

I'm a little concerned about the validity of this nonprofit. Basically, I'm all for giving kids new hope in life - that's wonderful. I think it's a personal choice that teens and their parents can make together.

I'd totally agree with you except for the gawker hate and the various "go back to gawker" comments that are all over jezebel. I too like reading both, but I find that annoying gawker/jezebel hate to not run one way, but both ways.

Aren't swings and stripper poles rather pricey if you get really good ones?

I wasn't supposed to eat nuts? Oops. They seem ok.

There was a pin on pinterest that made me rage. It said, "All women want men who will open the door for them and slap their ass on the way in".

Are you joking? My husband was supposed to be Ant-Man for Halloween (per instructions from our son) but never did it...Paul Rudd is now Ant-Man...ipso facto Paul Rudd is ACTUALLY MY HUSBAND. Right? That's how that works, right? Wow.

Oh god I think I spent an hour last time gawker posted one of these videos sobbing hysterically while I watched all of them on youtube. This organization is wonderful. I want to give them all my money so they can save every dog ever.

Niall from One Direction was spotted on a date with Victoria's Secret model Barbara Palvin and I cannot see the computer screen any more through my hot, bitter tears.

Nap van. Holy crap. I'm doing this. I actually have looked for nap pods while stuck between hotel check-out and flight.

Yep I stare at amazement of my son in pictures because his eyebrows are immaculate. I've had strangers compliment them.

Me too. Damn I'm glad my boss left already.

Definitely not the same brunch, though yours sounds vastly more entertaining.