
My friend used to say, "Look at that face!"

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle...

Oh man, I have inappropriate thoughts about James McAvoy on the regular. Such a fan-girl crush...butterflies and everything. I have no idea what I'd do if I saw him. Probably faint.

Me too!

Me! I came here to say that I had no idea that wearing eyeliner with no mascara was so forbidden...mascara does nothing for me.

Shit I'm sorry. I've been in that exact situation a few times with my husband (pregnant and everything). One thing that worked was that I finally reached out to someone else to help talk to him - is there a friend that's close to him or a sibling or a parent - someone he'd be ok with talking to and leaning on?

That sounds amazing.

When my husband got a pedicure for our wedding, he felt out of place, awkward, and all the ladies in the place giggled at him. He hasn't wanted to get another one since then, so I'd send him to this place. At the very least, there wouldn't be an excess of women laughing at him - that should increase his comfort

something sure is keeping Gwyneth Paltrow up at night, frantically typing up mass emails warning her friends that Vanity Fair is people.

Neither of us really cared, and I love the idea of being the same name as my husband. He offered to take my name, and came up with a million iterations of our names put together, but in the end we just went with his.

One of the executives that I assisted one time told me in my 3-month review I wouldn't be getting the raise they promised me because I didn't keep him from not going on his boat and not getting wasted - thereby not going to the appointment that he had a hangover for. And my job was to be his mommy and remind him to

These are stunning. I didn't expect to be awed so much. Wow.

To be honest, her sandwiches sound amazing. I'd probably divorce my husband and marry her for 300 of her awesome sounding sandwiches. I come with a couple of terrible-twos, so she'd probably turn me down. Bummer.

Nope. I love it too. It's my karaoke anthem.

I agree. She's stunning, but whatever she's been wearing lately - good god.

I agree. She's stunning, but whatever she's been wearing lately - good god.

I'm not vegetarian but I have a friend who was. She ate mashed potatoes one night and ended up throwing up in the garbage can that night. She found out after that it had chicken stock in it. I'm sure that in a lot of people it's psychosomatic, but I remember that one was a biological reaction to what her body wasn't

Same boat, two very young kids. Life is fucking hell. I hate being a single mother every fucking night. It makes me a horrible mother, it makes our oldest son completely unstable, and it's a negative thing for our entire family. I don't know how to get out of it since it's his career, but I hate, hate, hate it. It was

I really like Blake Lively and usually can't get behind the hate, but...sigh.