
Lack of eye contact, a tendency to run in circles when he's around other kids, and the fact that he's easily distracted.

I have the copper IUD, and I have had 2 kids so the insertion didn't hurt. The monthly cramps though DO feel like labor. Not the end of labor where you're yelling, but the early to middle labor. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

Thank you! This is really helpful. I feel like I'm beginning the advocacy for my child thing - and he just turned 3. Good thing they're cute! I will ping you if I have further questions - thank you. I plan on going full steam with developmental therapy regardless of an official diagnosis - it can only help is

Yep. That's totally true. No one noticed anything until our 2nd son was born a year ago. And yes, I'm totally convinced he will qualify for MENSA because he's his father and his father's family - and they all act like that and are super genius-level - but socially inept too.


He is can have conversations, will tell us how he's feeling, is verbal, can read at a 3rd grade level. The big communication thing people don't like is they say he doesn't look people in the eye and doesn't respond to people when they call or listen to instructions. He can, he just chooses not too. This - people

But do I push the doctors to do an assessment now when they have made it abundantly clear that they want to do it later on?

I like that. That's how I consider him anyway - I think maybe it's weirding me out that his preschool and nanny want so badly to have that label assigned when I'm like - that's just how he is.

I appreciate this. I think this is my husband - he thinks so - and our son is exactly like him. I'm determined to get him the "help" that will give him the tools to succeed more in life than my husband was able to - he had lots of issues academically with being too smart and not concentrating.

It's just - he's hit every milestone since he was born. The pediatricians evaluated him at 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years - and they all say he's on track. He is communicative, he reads at a 3rd grade level, and doesn't have any of the "traditional" issues that would be an indication. I think that's where I

I have a just turned 3 year old son. His preschool (he's been at 7 weeks) and his nanny think he has autism/aspergers, and are pushing us to have him diagnosed. His two pediatricians, their two nurses, and the head of therapy at the autism clinic in town all say he is too young and what he is "exhibiting" sounds

I use the find my friend app all the time with my husband. When he's picking me up from work, I know about when I need to wrap up my work. It's pretty handy, and not in the creepy way.

Ok I just wrote a post on groupthink about this - but it posted to my jezebel blog? How do I post on Groupthink? Anyway. I'll repost my issue below:

I woul have been pretty happy if I looked like that while pregnant. Or now.

This happened when I was 30. Now I'm 32 and had a second kid and am like, meh. Not so much anymore. But I've got pictures that prove I was once hot!

Again, I think I've posted it before on the Lyft article, but isn't *everyone* just freaked about cabs? Cause I know I am. Ever since Criminal Minds. Or was it CSI. Or both. I mean, I'm always worried I'm going to be locked in the back and gassed/dismembered/assaulted/tortured...just me? Ok then.

I had to admit, I loved the book "French Women Don't Get Fat". It's still one of my favorite eating books ever. I actually went to a "reading" of the book that had champagne...lame but Mirelle Guiliano seemed nice. Of course she's extremely wealthy, extremely white, and the head of an extremely well-known brand -

I totally found that not to be the case. Most people were awesome to me! In London, however, a different matter. Hated me.

I was just coming on here to say that I just rewatched that movie and damn he's adorable.

My bitchy resting face scares away people pretty efficiently.