
Can I be in charge of the White House's twitter feed? Because = Fun.

No you're right, but I'm thinking of a specific one. I can't figure out if it was an actual novel, or if it was a figment of my imagination based on every other dystopian novel.

It's adorable that she included her entire dance class - but her wedding party had more people than my wedding. Cray!

Is it my imagination or was there actually a book I read that had old people carted off to a compound, and all the children were told that their grandparents were on a "world cruise"?

I'm confused: There are Lean In haters? Have they read the book at all?

You know, I'd be curious to know if the parents of a girl who was invited told the birthday boy's parents that the theme was too "masculine" for their daughter - and if the boy's parents changed the dynamics of the party to suit those other parents. I mean, I'm suspect because they invited everyone to one party, then

The energy, oh god, and the creativity...staring at a beautiful baby who can only look at you and blink - really how long can you stare at a baby and make cooing sounds, how many books can you read, puppet shows can you do, songs can you sing - before you just say "Fuck it kid. Let's watch Extreme Couponing."

If you are so unsure of your abilities as a parent that you worry someone's outside influence is going to override yours, then that is something you need to address.

Yep pretty much! I think the thing that helps the most is that we have that 3rd person who loves the kids and thinks about their needs on an almost-daily basis - but (differently than grandparents) isn't controlling in what we do. Unfortunately, both my husband and I have parents who are unable to differentiate that

it's much easier to raise children with the aid of the nanny than it is to live comfortably without the aid of income.

So yeah. I had my 10-month old son by myself on a plane, and it was full so they couldn't switch me from the absolute middle seat. Red-eye to Las Vegas. Sitting next to a 40-someting businessman and a 21-year old college guy. I had my son on my lap, and he is a fitful sleeper for sure. Toss, scream, kick. Toss,

I don't understand how he's charged with promoting prostitution when Wendy (who in that sense would be the "prostitute") isn't getting any money. And is she being charge w/prostitution?

I make too much for head Start and I make less than $50k a year.

Head start is for low income families. Middle class families don't qualify. I wish there was an option for middle class too.

For reals.

Alrighty, full disclosure. We pay $600 a month for 3-day a week preschool, plus $1500 for our nanny (PT) to watch him and our other baby. I'd like to put him in 5 days a week for $1000. That's $2500 a month on childcare. I take in $3k after taxes and my husband works for tips.

Community co-op preschools are great but the time commitment required by parents is ridiculous when you have two FT working parents. I don't have the flexibility in my schedule to take off the required 1 day a week to teach a class, and my husband can't do it because he's watching our baby and they don't allow him to

Yep, that's what happened to us. We had one son in one state that covered it and one son in another state that didn't.

I stood next to a boy at the bus stop on Friday for 45 min. He lives up the street from me. He's just…ridiculous - I mean, I wanted to just die I was getting so nervous around him. He was like James McAvoy in "Penelope" come to life - I die. Seriously die. He was probably 7 years younger than me, and I'm totally

I spent a year getting to be approved in the old version, only to be a grey now. So I stopped commenting. Blah.