
For reals, I have absolutely nothing against Taylor Swift. She is completely harmless, writes songs with lyrics I could have written when I was a teenager, and is like the girl version of Ryan Lochte - a harmless and talented golden retriever who likes dating. I just don't see what's to hate about her except that

Wow, so this picture just caused my husband (looking over my shoulder) to abandon his beer and read the entire article out loud. And then demand that we search for "cronuts, seattle" immediately.

I knew this would be confusing but I didn't know any other way to put it - I don't mean that it is a disappointment because the pregnancy is over - I mean simply that the procedure sucks, and it is a disappointment to have to go through that. I really meant that sitting there, in a cheap gown, having an IV stabbed in

I never thought I'd ever be on the side of Paris Hilton, but why did she go to jail and Lindsey Lohan can steal, crash cars, drive drunk, not show up for court, etc, etc, etc...and still avoid jail time?

When I had a miscarriage I had to go to the hospital for a D&C, which is the same procedure that is used when one gets an abortion and is a bit farther along than a few weeks. When I was getting my IV put in (crying, watching Rachel Freaking-Ray), the nurse says to me "Oh is this a disappointment?" I said, "yes, it

I would love a site like this. All right, anyone in Seattle want to be friends? Or anyone want to be email friends?

My two cents: She *did* mean girl you, but at the same time, provided you with excellent (albeit cutting) commentary on your professional persona. To be honest, I've been a receptionist and the image that was required of me was pretty strict - as the face of the company. As a manager, I've had to coach hosts and

Funny enough he started in coffee then moved to wine. He's taught classes and done tastings for events and businesses, as well as the wine rep business...he'd love to do events ft. I mean, that's why he loves the business, working with people.

He's actually a super high level somm, and I think he's cracking in his quest for MS. Just wondering if burnout at the top means he should change careers totally.

Yeah, I actually was an HR director for 3 years and it's still hard to break into the industry. But it's a fun industry for sure.

Awesome tip. Thanks!

Can people help? My husband is crashing and he might need to make a total career change. What career ideas does anyone have for a very high level wine guy (sommelier) without a college degree who is brilliant but hard to get motivated? Slight Aspergers? Likes computers but no training. We have two kids so this

When I was a kid yeah. I collected stamps. Not seriously though, but yeah.

That is adorable and sweet! My husband would have done the same thing!

One year I gave my coworker a Coach keychain wallet thing and I got a $10 subway card that actually had $0 on it. That was sad.

My kid is two and we make him tell us when he is done, sort of a two-year-old version of politely asking to be excused. He screams, "ALL DONE", tears off his bib and runs to his trains. Then we herd him back to wash his hands and take his plate to the sink, then he runs back to his trains.

For reals the only movie I even recognize was The Hunger Games, and I never saw that in the theaters. I live in a world of Thomas the Tank Engine, no cable, and no money though, so that may explain things.

I think the main thing that people like myself - new moms - are reacting to is the lack of reference to the amazing amount of help that these highly-productive women have that allows them to even have the time to do these things. For me, it's not only the lack of time that comes from having a newborn that I responded

Who has a great relationship with their parents? Tell me about them and what they did to make you adore them so!

We had interviewed one nanny before our current, and while she wasn't perfect, she was nice. Then our current nanny walked through the door and both my husband and I, without speaking to each other, just felt right about her. It was a total gut feeling. We ask our son, who is 2, everyday if she is nice, what they