
Anyone else like Carrie 2? I think I did simply because I've had a crush on Jason London for over a decade...

I quit the day I threw my birth control away. Cigarettes and BC tossed into the trash together. So yes, for health reasons - both my health and the health of my future family. That was a little over 3 years ago. I smoked a ton too - restaurant industry, so pack-a-day. No, it didn't matter that it was expensive -

I liked the free-spirited nature of Kerouac when I was a free-spirited 18 year old dating a 24 year old hippie. I stopped thinking that free-spirited-ness was so awesome when he dumped me, hitchhiked and train-hopped across Canada, and wrote poetic love letters to me - then asked me to wire money because he was

I'm 30 and just had my second baby and am getting the para guard put in at my 6 week postpartum checkup. It was one of the first things my midwife asked when they did prenatal screening, and they highly recommended it. My doc for the first baby 2 years ago never mentioned it, and told me to rely on breast feeding as

I swear, am I the only person who doesn't want to fuck Ryan Lochte? Cause he doesn't make my ladybits tingle in the slightest.

Actually my husband and I have a plan for in case something happens in a situation like this. The plan is - he takes the kids and runs and I fare for myself. Because he's bigger and stronger than me, and first comes our kids, so if he's forced to swim them to safety or run from fire or something he's better capable

I have mad issues with my MIL because she taught her son's (and husband) that taking dishes into the kitchen and rinsing them after dinner was all that was expected of them. My husband was not taught to do "women's housework".

A few months after we started dating, i realized my now husband carried leftover Starbucks cookies (he worked there) in his bag to hand to me when I was being a major bitch. Since he is used to angry me when I'm hungry, he is quite capable of dealing with our now angry toddler when he is hungry. Needless to say, he

I was the same way. Took me 9 years with my husband before I was able to orgasm with him. I always have to manually stimulate myself, and we take care of me either before or after penetration. With all my partners before, no orgasm was achievable, with or without vibrators, etc. same as you.

Watching my husband wrangle our 2-year old with one arm while holding the newborn with his other made me appreciate this quiet time with the computer and room service. It's like a vacay with a sore vagina. Lol.

Thank you!

Thanks! It's one of the few times in life where I seriously am, "I deserve a goddamn sundae!"

I'm in the hospital. I gave birth today. It is quiet, my husband just went home to watch our other son, our baby is asleep. I feel like I'm in the eye of the hurricane, having survived childbirth without drugs (which I never thought I'd do) and looking at the future to the reality of two rambunctious sons.

From personal experience, this intensive style of parenting could be attributed to lower self esteem in the first place; the need for somebody to "need" someone else, and who better than a child to "need" their mother? I like how it says that many women don't put themselves as the "most important person" in their

Me! Sex on the 2nd date (1st was a party). Been together 11 years and married 4. What's the big deal with putting sex on hold? Neither of us were virgins, we liked each other, wanted to have sex...was that supposed to change or get more intense with more dates?

It's on my phone but not the computer. Which is frustrating beyond belief because if I stare at my phone too much I start seeing double, so I usually only comment on the computer. I have a MacBook, btw.

This new system just doesn't work. I can't see anyone's comments besides featured discussions on my computer; it doesn't give me the option to view ALL. I'm commenting on my phone for the third time (because the first 2 didn't take) and it's making me frustrated. I will miss your witty comments and smarty pants ways,

My husband used to be like that in the beginning of our relationship. Needless to say, he's not nearly as attentive nowadays - not to say he sucks, but that in the beginning he was super into me - a bit more than I was into him. Then it evened out and he became more secure in the relationship and pow! Now he's

My husband is scared of sex right now. He got this way with the last baby too. I guess I'm just gonna have to jump his bones and maybe eat tacos tomorrow...

To be honest, we did the same thing with our son. He loved his bottles, and we used to brush his teeth after as well. We got a bunch of flack from our pediatrician, but we didn't care as I had a friend who gave her daughter a bottle (with water) until she was almost 3.