
Have you tried the empty paper towel roll trick to catch it?

Congrats and enjoy the ride! I freaked out over every little thing - try not to read internet boards about being pregnant because they will cause you crazy amounts of stress.

Yeah, I'm boycotting mother's and father's day this year for my parents because they suck so hard I dragged my family across an ocean to get away from them. Although it reminds me we should get a card for my FIL.

Do you have a trigger? It was easy for me to quit cold turkey, but when I hit a place where I had a trigger that was my problem. For me it was drama or problems with the husband - things that made my spine tic - that drove me back to smoking. I had to identify those triggers and figure something out that I could do

holy...I've never seen a HOA with such low dues. i think I lived in Hawaii for too long. Everyone I knew had min $400 to $1000.

My husband's niece came over to play with my kid for a few hours since I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant with the next one. Got to say, as this girl gets older I'm liking her more and more.

I always prefer no HOA properties simply because you always have to pay them, even if you pay off your mortgage. Some places are worth it sure, like if you have pools or other common things like that. But calculate how much your HOA fees could translate into a mortgage - like i just did the math and an additional

Ours was a joint bachelor/bachelorette party that consisted of booze, some pot, a strip club and a lap dance for my husband and I. Then we all just sort of drank more and watched naked ladies. I think my husband got more lap dances, I had my face patted by soft boobies; everyone had a grand old time, male and female.

I wish I could get a job that would allow my husband to e a SAHD. He's a much better parent than I am - more fun, more patient, and just happier in general. He'd love it too, but unfortunately my skills in making money suck, so he's got to work.

My husband took our kid to the playground and happened to run into another dad with his kid. Talk about excited! They chatted while the kids played - I think my husband was sadder to leave his new SAHD buddy than our kid was to leave the playground. You're definitely right that women aren't going to chat up a guy

Hey I'm the person who had him as my teacher. The thing that made him great wasn't that he told us we were special, or even made us feel like we were special. The best thing about him that I've never gotten from any other teacher - high school or college - was the feeling that he really believed that we were capable

That's what my parents thought - small town mentally of Hawaii. Unfortunately the lady was a known pill pusher amongst her friends, so yeah. You can't trust people just because they're "friends".

Mr. McCullough was my teacher in high school, and he was by and large the best teacher I have ever known in my life. Everyone who had him felt the same way, and he was the chosen teacher speaker at my graduation. this was 13 years ago. I'm so happy that he is continuing to inspire kids as a teacher they adore - he

Yep, my aunt was pissed when she found out because the lady wasn't even a friend of hers, it was her friend's wife who was a known (in her circle) pill-abuser and stole my aunt's husband's (who had passed away) vicodine and oxy from their medicine closet.

Unsolicited advice, sorry. Don't read those sites after the baby. There's always someone who says, "well this happened to me..." and the next thing you know you're convinced your kid is going to die immediately. I spent more time crying about the shit I read on there than was, um, healthy. Finally my friend told

I was at a wake once with my son (about 10 months old) and my parents were watching him while I conversed. I turned around to check on him and he was gone; my parents were standing around without him. I asked where he went, and they said a friend of my aunt took him to put him down to sleep; she told them she was a

Females actually were generally more judgemental when it came to my husband taking our son to Gymboree or other play groups. Or the park. They always asked him where I was, and why I wasn't there.

Really? My husband just wants to sleep in and get to play some video games or watch sports on father's day. Stuff that he doesn't get to do on a normal basis.

What a dumb article! (I mean the survey, not Cassie's interpretation of it.) For the record, my parents cost me the exact same amount in therapy bills...

I'm totally a morning person. My favorite time to be awake is the hours of 2am and 6am; watching the sun rise, hearing the chirping birds wake up, hearing other people wake up.