
I too go with peeing immediately after sex. If there's cuddling it lasts maybe 15-30 seconds tops.

Netflix only here. I thought the same as you as I love me some food network as background noise but it's actually lovely. We have Netflix and an apple tv, watch CBS shows on the laptop (hopefully will be able to steam to the apple tv when the upgrade comes out). we were tv addicts-it's actually been nice to break that

I met my husband after I decided i did not want to date anyone for awhile and really meant it. When I told him that he said he'd just wait until I was ready. We've been together for 11 years now. Didn't expect that one.

Isn't it though? Best of luck to ya! Can I offer unsolicited advice? Make sure you get off.

Not practical but fun. Also high proof alcohol...the tingling sensation it gives him is lovely...and i get to enjoy my booze as well. Bourbon is a favorite, as is tequila.

That doesn't sound like a girlfriend to me, that sounds like my mom. If they add 'what are you eating?' than i'm deleting my FB account.

Should we take an impromptu trip to Vancouver? Don't have jobs and have a toddler to take with us, but this is the last chance to go before the next baby comes out. Cost would include gas and a place to stay...we have savings but it seems wasteful even though it would be great for my morale. Thoughts?

That sounds amazing! I'm not a teacher so I don't know the pros and ons of boarding school, but if I had that type of opportunity I'd totally take it. Free room and board in NYC? wow.

Dehydration? That happens to me when I'm dehydrated. Took a couple trips to the ER and 5 bags of IV liquid to make me realize that most of my ailments can be cured by good old hydration.

A good Negroni is the shit. If you can find Aperol, do an Aperol and soda. So, so, so good.

Any idea on how to get an entry-level position that one is overqualified for at a University? I graduated from the UW, and have been applying to a million admin positions there - I have a ton of admin experience - but I think I need to know someone on the inside to get in. I've been told that they mostly hire from

I'm 30 and I'm totally confused.

Was finally set straight by a recruiter today (she's the 6th one I've interviewed with). Ain't no one going to hire me pregnant. I need to wait until I give birth and she'll have better luck sending me out on jobs.

Go to le pichet! The original Presse anyway, I like it better. I totally get the walking thing; we just moved back from Hawaii. Forgot how little I walk when there until I moved back and gained 10 pounds immediately. Now we're back and I lost weight very quickly, even though I'm pregnant, because of the walking.

I wish my husband and I only wanted one child. It would have made life so much easier. But for some reason we both just wanted two, so now we're looking forward to/dreading going over the whole ordeal again.

Run Fatboy Run! Such a great movie.

Does that mean no more candy and stuff at the gift shops in Disneyland?

I was with my husband for 6 years before he proposed; neither of us thought it was important until we were ready to have kids. Basically, he proposed when our careers were in a good place and we were ready to start a family. of course i quit my job the day before he proposed, putting a kink in his idea that we were

i worked for the Hyatt with my then-boyfriend a decade ago. The GM had an mixed-descent asian wife (she was from Hawaii like me), the F&B director had an Asian wife, and then the GM moved properties and the new GM had an Asian wife. The hostess said to the guy standing next to me, "Wow look at all these powerful men

i knew a bartender who went on a pineapple juice diet - his only liquid was pineapple juice - because he wanted his cum to taste delightful for his girlfriend. I thought it was hysterical.