
See a movie. Take a nap. Sit at a bar and have a lovely meal by yourself, without having to wrangle a squirming little dude/ette. Go to a pool if you can and just float.

If I were in that college I'd rent a room in a mcmansion. Rooms in Seattle 10 years ago were running $300 for a 20x20 room in a craphole of a house. i feel badly for the other homeowners, definitely, and the kids will have a hell of a reality check when they move out of there, but studying poolside? Wow. I may

Oh lord. My 17-month old eats everything. I guess California Baby will continue to be our expensive-ass soap of choice.

It is frustrating and confusing...and thanks for sharing your rules. I like them and the ideas they give me.

See that's the part of the therapist's advice I'm confused with...because for my husband to avoid all alcohol he needs to quit his job and change the career path he's on. He's basically studying for the equivalent of a Phd in wine. He has a Masters. For him to avoid all alcohol he needs to give up everything he's

He's past the point of defensive and seeing a therapist for it. He wants to stop these crashes of his. The therapist says he needs to quit completely and go to AA meetings, etc. I'm just so confused with his "everyday" actions vs these "crashes". I guess I just wonder if it will be possible to just be a

I was the terrible roommate. I admit it. I was dating a guy who was bipolar for a month, didn't know it until he stopped taking meds and suddenly disappeared. He reappeared a few days later. I didn't know how to break up with him when he was so unstable, then he decided that I was the only person in his life he

My husband and I always drank a lot - like our friends. I was a bartender, he works in the field of wine. Then we moved away and had a baby and things totally changed. Now, though, he's crashing once a month. He'll come home wasted, driving home. For some reason every other time in the month he's a responsible,

Anyone have any experience with alcoholism? Details in reply.

Sure! Depends on what you're looking for...for voyeuristic debt blogs I read a segment called "The Money Diaries" on For extreme saving - people that want to retire early, etc. - I read For basic everyday ones I read,

Hmm...I AM on the internet too much after I put the baby to bed. I watch Hoarders (which makes me clean), or read finance blogs (which makes me go over our budget again and again). Or I coupon. Or read cooking blogs. Which is all just silly, when I could be sleeping.

My husband works nights and takes the baby in the mornings. I work for my family so I can take the baby with me to my office. My husband has him from 7am-1pm,goes to work from 2pm-11pm. I go leave for work at 7:30am, come home about noon and go back at 2-5:30pm (with baby). Then I have baby for the night. Obviously

I wish I could find this as important as the author means it, but what I've learned from my one year old is that they will mimic anything, regardless of sex, or what is happening. So, um, not a big deal. I mean, we got our son to brush his teeth by brushing our teeth in front of him. They like doing what you do.

Question for Jezzies: What do you think about Marriage Counseling? More details in reply, but please! All thoughts welcomed.

I'm racking my brain to think of something my mom has taught me, and I can't think of anything besides: "If you act helpless enough, a man will come around to help you." Which explains why she doesn't understand me at all.

I hate these onesies - when my son was born I got a slew of these, including "Sorry Girls, I only Date Models" and "Lock Up Your Daughters". Of course, the person who got them for him asked repeatedly when he was going to wear them...and I finally had to say I wasn't going to ever put him in a shirt that said, "My

@Jetgirly: adobe photoshop app. It's free. I can't afford to buy it for my computer, but my iphone gets it for free. Go figure!

I never had a UTI from just sex before. I've gotten two UTI's in my life, and both were after I went into a hot tub with a bunch of little kids at a water park. The ER doc said since kids pee everywhere, the heat just causes the bacteria to multiply, and to avoid those types of hot tubs in the future. He didn't

@singing_femmebot: I'm so guessing you live on the Hill. When I lived on the there I headed to Nordstrom Rack for just about just about everything - except for jeans. I bought those at Crossroads. For some reason they always had Paige at Crossroads.

This makes me so sad. My mom talks badly about my dad all the time and they're still married. She has bad-mouthed him for years in the same way Kate does; not the "your father is so silly" stuff, rather, what she says makes me realize she still wants to be number one loved parent to all her kids, and will attempt to