
This is awesome! BTW, for those wondering about declawing...when you trim a cat's nails (which you're supposed to when they get too long, esp. for indoor kitties) they're not sharp. They just feel like little pads when they play bat.

@DonnaPirana: My husband wants to use a male birth control pill. As of right now, there's not much knowledge about one - or the side effects. That freaks me out more than him. We're discussing birth control while breastfeeding - I can't take the pill and we don't like the idea of an IUD. And ultimately, when we're

This is funny - I just figured this one out for myself the other day. Little dude moves when I'm happy and is still when I'm not. Which, my husband figured out, explains why he moves like a champ when I watch porn.

Waiting for a motherlover redo with JT and Betty White...

@Aesop's Foibles.: I'm totally the opposite. I am not comfortable talking about things like that with my friends, but my husband and I aren't shy about poop. We'll have conversations around pooping. Granted, I don't enjoy when he's in the bathroom with me and I leave when he's in the bathroom, but bowel movements

@Aesop's Foibles.: Holy shit, I thought I was relatively alone in that I can only orgasm by myself and not with a partner. This makes me feel quite a bit better.

Shouldn't the exorcist have taken them with him in the first place? Or did the Ghostbusters have to raise their prices due to the recession as well...

Our window is above our head, so when there are birds or such outside, our cat will launch from the ground, bounce off my stomach to my husbands nuts to his face to land herself on the windowsill. It's like a tiny alarm clock that wakes you up by socking you in your sensitive bits.

This ass is amazing. I strive to attain this ass after i give birth. I'll be squatting with little dude as I nurse.

@CatGaffney: Oh man, my obsession began with the dude that went and looked at the Titanic underwater. After that I was hooked. And then I wrote a sad, sappy love story when I was 13 about an ill-fated love affair between a first class girl and a steerage boy - but in my version both parties died at sea. My friends

I used to share a bedroom with my much older sister and by the time I was 9, I was reading Harlequin romance novels. True, because of this, I still think of my clitoris as my "button", and of a boner as "longing" (you have to love romance language wording!), but to this day I love reading just about anything and

@Marbe: Definitely not the only person. I fully endorse her right to have an abortion. I just (and maybe it's just me being prudish) feel like the sobering message of her abortion - which has been noted to provide support other women who are in the same position - was somewhat compromised when she continued to tweet

Hey Utah,

@Cimorene: You're right. That was an uncalled for generalization - but that's kind of my point. I hate that my experience with my friend jaded me even a little. 99.99% of rape accusations are true, but it's the .01% that make the news. Sorry, that was an un-thought out comment.

@SarahMC: In this case the guys probably didn't suffer. No one suffered in this case. Kind of the point I was trying to make is that people like this, who have screws loose in their brains, are the ones fucking it up for all the real victims. Cause there are a lot of people like this- I knew a ton in college. It

@gold_gato: I totally agree. But I know when I was going around having one-night stands at the same time, I couldn't control my hormones when a hot guy came on to me, no matter how drunk he was. And honestly, I just thought I was damn lucky that this hot dude wanted to have sex, because if he was sober he wouldn't

@SarahMC: She told her friends that she was raped. She never filed police reports, only told me that she was "raped last night again". The first time I believed her and tried to get her to go to the cops and she refused. Around the 5th time, I was just upset over the entire situation.

I had a friend in college who claimed rape multiple times because she had a history of blacking out while drunk. And I wanted to believe her, but had a really hard time because I was drunk with her, and saw how she literally climbed into the laps of various boys and sucked their ears and fondled their crotches until

Growing up, my doctor would measure me against the norm, and I recall a time when I started bordering on overweight. The doc told me that "this" is the weight I should be at according to height and weight charts, and "this" is the weight I'm at. She let me figure out for myself that I was getting unhealthy, and I

I'm looking at baby clothes for my upcoming baby boy, and hate the separation between pink and blue clothes. If my boy wants to wear freaking pink, he can wear pink. My mom said, "No he can't wear pink!" and I said "If he wants to wear a damn tutu that's his decision. If he's gay, that's his decision. If he's