What is Fresco Queso and is it any different than queso fresco
What is Fresco Queso and is it any different than queso fresco
Did this in my over with some fresh peps the other day. Left them in a minute too long and filled my house with smoke. It’s a dangerous game, crisping pepperonis.
Oh, obviously. That’s why you refuted my initial point by...checks your comment again...agreeing with it?
front of the house never shares proportionately with the back of the house.
Bigger people should also not be called fat cow, so posting a picture of her looking skinny feels kind of gross.
That’s the whole fucking point. To shame the type of person who would fat shame.
Forgive me for misconstruing the intent of your comment, but... “This is another reason why I don’t tip.” I mean, you said it. Good on you if you tip when it’s deserved.
This is so noble of you.
Yes, burn it first. And then when you realize that all you’ve done is turn the metal red hot, try to climb it.
I’m not making this up. I followed this draft very closely. Below is what scouts were saying about him. Larry Brown messed the kid up.
Excellent job of using a picture of a butthole-looking pumpkin in the header photo. It even has hemorrhoids!
This was great, but next time, please make sure to include the best part:
This is part of the criticism of Brown. Darko was a stretch big and could hit the international three. He got to the Pistons and they had him bang down low and abandon the three because that’s what Brown’s offensive schemes asked of him. He busted, in part, because he didn’t get to refine the skills that got him…
mean steam hip hop
Not trying to troll here, but nobody seems to be answering this question and I am genuinely curious as to the nuances of this conversation. In the first article about this, it was noted that he father is Afro-Latino, making her Afro-Latina. Why is she not allowed to use the word?
Her father is Afro-Latina? So she is Afro-Latina? Can someone educate me on why it’s not ok for an Afro-Latina to say the N word?
Yes, because I didn’t get past your dumb leap in logic. I’m not arguing whether Drew is correct. I am arguing that you made a dumb leap in logic.
By your logic, a slice of cheese ceases to be a slice of cheese
Hate to break it to you, R, but there is still poop on your butt after you rince with a bidet. So, there is days, perhaps weeks old poop on your aptly named poop towel. There’s no way a little stream of warm water is getting all the residual poop off your dingleberries.
On paper, “cockgoblin” is a pretty good obscenity. However, once said aloud, it sounds like “Cock Gobbling.” So, “You cockgoblin motherfucker” turns into “You cock gobblin’ motherfucker,” and then, all of the sudden, you’re the homophobe.