To paraphrase Steven Sondheim, nice is different than good.
To paraphrase Steven Sondheim, nice is different than good.
I guess she'd have to be a villain posing as a hero. I mean, in her mind, she's a hero. But I like the Frankenstein monster idea...
I think perhaps she was created by MRAs. But that doesn't mean she can't dance on their freakin' heads.
I'm thinking of adding a new character to my comic. She'll be called the Straw Feminist and she'll literally be made of straw, like a scarecrow. And she'll keep going on and on about how men are all guilty and blameworthy and should change themselves to accommodate the desires of women?
Why would you want to enter your beer in a contest that a whole class of brewers aren't allowed to enter? Then even if you win you can never say your beer is the best, because some beers didn't get to be judged. Kind of diminishes the exercise for everyone, doesn't it?
The whole "physical criteria for anorexia" thing is SO problematic. If the message is supposed to be that the fashion industry is promoting a physical ideal that most women cannot live up to without harming themselves, then okay. But it also sounds a lot like body snarking and concern trolling. Thin women aren't all…
It's like having a pet. But A LOT more work, more shit to clean up, more drool, waaay more crying. My cat does funny things when you feed her oranges. I'll stick with the cat.
I think you may be right. The meaning of an act or practice does change when it moves from being fringe/underground to being mainstream.
My husband had the same reaction. He honestly thought I was joking. Refusing to believe that "men's rights" is a thing.
Hmm, well I can't answer to that. I was just making a throwaway joke about the Ryan Gosling meme.
I do get what you're saying, but please understand that I was joking. The feminist Ryan Gosling meme is a joke, and I was joking that now there'd be one for George Clooney too. And the joke is not about legitimizing feminism; it's just fantasizing about attractive movie stars openly embracing feminism and how sexy…
I'll certainly grant you, he lacks the feminist credentials of scholar-theorist like Ryan Gosling. But give him a chance.
Feminist Clooney? New meme?
This problem seems pretty easily solved to me.
I hear you, but even if you read her as a drag queen, she's still portrayed negatively. She still looks desperate and pathetic, and, fundamentally, fake. It's problematic.
Thank you for pointing out the specific ways that the transgendered woman is portrayed negatively. The offensiveness of the ad goes beyond the overarching message (that there's something horribly wrong with her for not having a period). It really goes out of its way to make "drag queens" look like pathetic people…
Oh certainly. You didn't even warrant a mention. You're barely human, much less female.
Great comment.
I love this ad, because it's so true! Having your period makes you a REAL girl. Sorry, grandma, you're not a real girl. You're post-menopausal.
There is an interesting moment where Riley notes that girls and boys both want superheroes, and girls want pink stuff, but boys DON'T want pink stuff. You can almost see a moment of realization there. The father says, "Boys want both," but in a way he's wrong. The stigma on boys who play with "girl stuff" is so…