
It's called "the walk, no talk".

R2D2 soon.

I can't believe they finally got Breckin Meyer and Bill Maher in the same place. I guess that ends that mystery. If only Hugh Hefner would have been there to end the "three guys of widely varying age who look remarkably similar" game.

Big hitter, the Lama.

Exactly. My kids are big fans of both Ariana and Bruno Mars, and I showed them both sketches. They agreed that Ariana sounded like the singers and Bruno just sounded like himself singing the songs (both have amazing voices, of course). I was really surprised to read that Dennis said the opposite.

That was 3 years ago. And it was the Golden Globes. Jodie Foster doesn't need an honorary Oscar; she has two of the real thing.

I was just about to post the same thing. It would be quite a trick, since he's always in the front row. But I can actually picture it with those dark glasses and huge smile.

That's hilarious. I obviously didn't intend that in any racist way, but I guess I could see how it came off like that. I was actually disappointed to find out that she's not simply an awesome Irishwoman. If I find out that accent's not entirely real, I'm going to be pissed.

No, he does not have an Oscar. He was nominated for writing and acting in Rocky, but lost both (to Network).

Apparently she was born in New York to Irish parents, and then moved back to Ireland when she was 3. So, I don't know how American she really is.

I saw them all, and I have it:

Well, for better or worse, you won't get to hear her speech tonight. They took the honorary awards off the main show a few years ago. She got her award already.

I think she had the best "story" to win the Oscar at the beginning, but the film seems to have turned off a lot of people. Her part in particular, while fun (and she plays it really well) can be dismissed (by some) as throwing around racial epithets in between getting punched in the face. I'm actually surprised she

The last time there were two Best Actor nominees from the same film was 1984, when F. Murray Abraham and Tom Hulce were both nominated for Amadeus.

I was all set to dismiss Morricone's inevitable win as being a lifetime achievement award, until I saw the movie. That opening gave me chills. I know the rest of the score was pretty much backgrounded, but, holy shit, for the opening alone, that Oscar has been earned.

Exactly. Plus, wasn't Traffic's signature visual style (besides the handhelds) the unnatural color choices? There were different colors for the different stories, right? A cool choice, but Sicario's look was much more natural.

Agreed. I've seen 6 of the 8 BP nominees (haven't seen Room or Brooklyn) and my two favorite movies this year were Sicario and Creed. Of the nominated films, Spotlight is my pick, but I don't consider it "great" in the way that I think Sicario is.

Nice rant. I agree with most of it (except I happen to love Tomei in Vinny, and find Judy Davis incredibly over-the-top in most things, especially Husbands and Wives). And, since you assumed it was coming…Spike Lee did get nominated for Screenplay for Do the Right Thing, but it wasn't deemed as good as Dead Poets

I know you're joking, but this urban legend is really unfair to Tomei. She is absolutely perfect in My Cousin Vinny. On a related note, it might be the movie that is most improved by making sure you're watching the unedited version. The foul language actually makes that movie, and she's phenomenal at it (ya'

It may have been funny, but I still believe in that old saying, "just read the fucking card".