
If you're interested in non-traditional speeches, you should be rooting very hard for Mark Rylance to win. If you're not familiar, check out his Tony acceptance speeches.

Agreed. I also hate the people who complain about how long it is (especially people in the industry). It's one night a year. Who cares if it's 3 1/2 hours, instead of 3?

Not to me. I love Denzel, but just read the goddamn card.

It was a very strange year, where, for a minute there, people actually thought Babe could win Best Picture.

She also hung on to him like an octopus for his entire walk off the stage (for some reason, I just re-watched this clip a couple of days ago). Again, she sucks.

I thought you were joking about Law being nominated for A.I., because I knew he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for it. But he actually was nominated for the Golden Globe for A.I. Wow, I don't remember that.

I believe you mean Paul Hogan, host. With co-hosts Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. I wish I were making that up.

Cue the Marisa Tomei didn't really win comments.

He was favored, but it was kind of by default. It was a weird year where the two presumptive favorites, Apollo 13 and Sense and Sensibility, failed to get their directors nominated. So, Braveheart and Gibson became the de facto favorites, and both wound up winning. The other director nominees besides Gibson were

Couldn't agree more. I hate when anyone makes a comment before reading the winner (I remember Spielberg doing this when Zemeckis won for directing Forest Gump), but Julia's "I love my life" before announcing Denzel's win for Training Day was the most annoying, grating thing I've ever heard on the Oscars. She sucks.

It was a great year. You didn't even mention my favorite of the five - Jude Law in Talented Mr. Ripley.

Five-feet tall? So, it was life-sized Pesci?

Great interview. And maybe the first time Mike Figgis was Garry Marshall.

Agreed. I think he wanted to turn the character in to Durst, and there was a moment where Scott could have/should have led him to it, but didn't. I don't think Scott was as familiar with Durst as the rest of the world is.

Joe DeRosa is a stand-up who plays the Vet in BCS

I think it's funny (intentional?) that the review of WTF includes the term "navel-gazing", considering this tweet from Maron yesterday: "Fuck you if you use the term 'navel gazing.' It's condescending, shallow & dismissive. If you use it, you should do more of it, dummies."

Well, then I'm confused, because I definitely found it sexy.

I think you mean only MALE 5-Timer who could kick everyone's ass. You don't want to mess with Candice Bergen.

I like Leo Fitzpatrick. I liked him in Kids, The Wire, and even Bully. However, he's a pretty lousy actor. I'm not surprised he didn't become a bigger star.

I stand corrected. Those Harry Potter movies sure made a lot of money.