
I thought so, but hadn't heard anything about the reception. Is it possible that, all these years later, the film is more beloved in America than in the UK or is it still popular there, but the reunion special just didn't deliver?

Agreed. There are fewer and fewer rapid question and answer (or answer and question) shows as time goes on (and game shows become more about human interest stories surrounded by 3 or 4 questions/actions per commercial break).

It adds an extra layer to the game playing, where you not only have to guess how many people would answer a certain way now, but then adjust your answer for the times in which the show originally aired. Plus, you get to watch Dawson and (especially) Eubanks make remarks that were probably borderline offensive at the

I would think it's just him on twitter. He's very funny, in a half-Dad jokes, half-a little more risque than you'd think for a nerdy Mormon way. He's also always a good guest on Doug Loves Movies (almost every time Doug's in Seattle he has Ken on), where he's obviously a very good game player, but also funny,

Mine, too. But I think you meant Rip Taylor.

He and Alan Arkin are great in those scenes.

No, you’re a cheeky monkey, and that’s why I love you.

Who cares about them. Will the Popsicle Twins be making an appearance?

RIP Gene Gene the Dancing Machine.

He does. It's called Jeopardy. Who's a cheeky monkey?

Yes, she can be nominated for both, since, for Emmy purposes, Fargo is considered a limited series. However, that Best Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Emmy category this year is STACKED (with other possible nominees including Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon for Feud, Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon for Big

Speaking of '80s relics. Fortunately, Keith Gordon is a MUCH better director than he was an actor (between him and Terry Farrell in Back to School I don't know whose line readings are cringier).

I came here to comment on what a great performance he gave. I know he's an accomplished dramatic actor (who is now almost entirely known for being on an awful sitcom), so maybe this is the shot in the arm his career needs. Good for him. Would love to see him nominated for a Guest Actor Emmy.

The actor's name is actually Damien Garvey. So, that's interesting…maybe even in a non-ironic way.

Get the fuck out of here!

I believe the Guilty Remnant was portrayed on the show almost exactly as they were in the book. So, maybe change that to "because Tom Perrotta".

It's insane, isn't it? I would have loved to have seen him get a nomination for JFK. Of course, he's one of about 10 people in that movie that I would have been happy to see nominated (Tommy Lee Jones got its only acting nomination - but it could have seen Sutherland, Pesci, Spacek, Lemmon, Oldman, etc.).

I love both Ordinary People and Raging Bull, and I might agree with you that it deserved Picture (it's certainly not in my Top 20 most egregious BP decisions). But did it really deserve EVERY Oscar it won - I'm thinking Scorsese's direction was probably more deserving than Redford's?

The funny thing is, this movie did cause me to hate MTM. I know it's completely unfair and immature, but, for years, whenever I thought of her, I pictured her cold look from Ordinary People, and she rubbed me the wrong way. I really need to go back and watch more Dick Van Dyke Show, to remind me that she could also

It's the cardigans.