Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

Someone call Ellen, stat!! 

Dat ‘fro, tho...*swoons*

Does it make me not-a-feminist if, as a woman, I don’t want to read gruesome, graphic descriptions of genitalia being destroyed? I just...I mean I get wanting to make this not some taboo thing. But like - women have been having babies for millennia. Baby-bearing ladies talk to each other about it, and have for

It’s now far enough down in the comments that I can say this without getting crapped on: Demi Lovato. Everything about her seems fake, she seems like a HUGE attention-hog, and I see no reason why she needed to have a singing career. Her existence as a celebrity grates on my damn nerves (not badly enough, though, to

And apparently he’s frighteningly intelligent? I remember watching an interview with him and being really impressed.

Read the article. Promptly felt the need to shower. What a horrible, awful situation. This interview did not do what you think it did, Soon-Yi.

Being a Black woman is exhausting. I don’t know what’s worse: the initial insult to her as an athlete or the hordes of White men on this article, gallantly riding in to explain to us what is and is not racist, what is and is not sexist, and what we can and cannot do about either. The lack of self-awareness is

Truth be told, the SNL skit was what confused me, because I was under the impression that, a few weeks earlier, she said that she was sexually fluid, specifically not gay or straight...

Truth be told, I’ve always had a soft spot for him specifically because he’s clearly suffering from mental illness, as a Black man in the spotlight. But it’s extremely frustrating to watch him get his mental health/self-care so wrong so consistently, and to use his issues as an excuse not to hold himself accountable

“Or, it’s “Harriet Tubman, Unknown Hero”, starring Merryl Streep.”

Maybe stop talking about showing your kids pictures of shirtless men? Like, I sort of get what you’re trying to say, but holy bad phrasing, Batman! 

Dude. Pro-tip?

“our institutions protecting us from that are so strong”

Okay, so this is a #notallwhitewomen situation. Got it.

Thiiiis is what I came here for. 

I had someone on one of the other gawker sites do me a solid when I raised some questions about trans issues, by giving me the benefit of the doubt that I was genuinely asking and wanted information. So I’m going to pay that forward to you, by pointing you toward some solid places to get information about the specific

Honestly, I think this hits at the crucial point in the discussion for me.

Aww, I’m so glad this has been gently helpful for you, CrewBaby :).

Thanks for these starting points :).

Thanks for this, Redbirdie!