Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

His appearance notwithstanding, I’m a little confused as to why some commenters are gendering Smith as ‘she’ - there’s no indication in the article that he is trans or otherwise-identifying, unless I’ve missed something? 

You’re very right, and I just want to say, from one internet stranger to another, that I hope you’re better now, that you have lots of love and support in your life, and that you’re an awesome mom/dad for fighting against the lies depression tells. Sending you digital hugs :))

Ahem! I am NOT ready for Marsai Martin to be all grown up. Or Miles Brown. (I just want to squish their little faces!!)

Honestly, I was bummed when I found out about Miley and Liam splitting for sole reason that now we have to hear, in graphic detail, about all the ‘relationships’ she’s in (for publicity). I can’t stand her, and now the rest of the summer is going to be a non-stop parade of her wildin’ out. Ugh, PLEASE go away, Miley. 

Now that the fire reached their floor of the building, they want somebody! anybody! to do something. And by something they mean destroy the whole place while they desperately try to find a time machine that lets them go back to a bygone era.

Absolutely love her on 9-1-1. She elevates every scene she’s in, and I’m so thrilled that she’s getting this kind of recognition. Such a gifted actress. Go, Aisha! 

For real, I got a little lump in my throat when I read about the Mother’s Day thing. This was all just so, so unnecessary and cruel. I hope the operator gets some extra love and support right now from the people who love her. And I’m thrilled at the response by the publishers; good for them. 

What a shitty, shitty thing to do. Who hurt you, Natasha? 

...wait, was this meant for me? I didn’t stab anyone! :P

Ah! Gotcha - makes sense. Thanks! 

I know this is a couple days after your post, but I’m curious about what it means in the context of this article (genuine question, no weird agenda!) 

Black lady, here. It’s called ‘blackfishing’ and it’s a (super-yucky) thing.

Thanks! And I’ll definitely check out the blog! :) 

Thanks, DrDonna - those are helpful distinctions!

Thanks, Miss Mercedes - that’s actually super helpful!I didn’t realize there was a difference between ‘dysphoria’ and ‘dysmorphia’ in these instances, but it makes sense hearing it. And it’s helpful to know that ‘trans’ is a broader term than just “going from one gender to the opposite.”

Before I ask this, I want to preface it by saying that I fully accept that trans people are people first and foremost, and thus entitled to all human rights, and that asking for more information about these issues from a trans person (which I believe you self-identified as above) who doesn’t specifically work in the

This was the first thing I thought of. Maybe it’s because I’m still reflecting on the absolute devastation that was wrought on Lewinsky - how hard she’s had to fight to reclaim her sense of self, how resolute and strong and fucking gracious she’s been in the face of horrifying misogyny and public derision - or maybe

Internalized racism is a helluva drug. 

Starring to keep this at the top. Super important.