Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

Again, thanks for the reply!

Apologies. I worded that poorly. I meant: “the gender they identify with [so, claim as their own] as opposed to the sex with which they were born.” I didn’t mean it like “the gender they allegedly are.” Will change in the original post, if editing allows.

Thank you for this thoughtful reply, and for giving me the benefit of the doubt. These can be tricky conversations to have, so I really appreciate you taking the time to respond, and being gracious in your responses.

I know I’m going to get roasted for this, but the only way to learn is to ask the question and risk looking like an idiot. And I am genuinely interested in the response, so here goes: why are ‘TERFs’ so horrible?

First, it clear that you have already determined in your mind that these people are criminals and deserve to be punished as such, up to and including by the abuse of their children (and it is abuse, as countless child welfare experts have attested to). Putting aside the moral problems with equating people fleeing from

Thanks for this - that quote from Dostoevsky is beautiful.

I provided the link to my claim in the original post - it was the article from the New York Times.

This is a very weird hill for you to die on. The U.N. has already called America’s actions a violation of international law, of human rights, and of the rights of a child. Hundreds of lawyers, thousands of child welfare workers, psychologists, therapists and countless mental health workers have condemned the practice

Ordinarily I wouldn’t reply to comment like this, but I think it bears pointing out. I see a lot of hand-wringing about how ‘the left is acting just as unhinged as the alt-right’ when in engages in this kind of ‘name-calling.’ But putting aside that this argument relies on the alt-right engaging in good-faith argument

He’s gay? Huh!

“I’ve spent lifetime fighting racism/sexism/homophobia.Started campaign 2 name US Open Stad 4 Ashe/Lobbied long 2 get Serena 2 return to I. Wells/Called out police violence vs Blake/”

Okay, so I’m trying to keep the facts/argument straight, here, and not contribute to any rhetoric that may endanger the lives of the children in question. But I’m confused by this argument you’ve presented (I’ve seen it elsewhere, as well): if DHS/HHS/ORR/ICE do not know where these children are, and their parents


So, my Jamaican mother used that word all the time when we were kids, and it is only just now, as you’ve used the word, that is occurs to me that it isn’t a ‘real’ word. Oops...

“I know of 3 white men she’s been linked to where I can only think of two black men and one of them doesn’t really count(Drake)“

Who determines what is “generally relevant” to the course of history? Part of the problem with arguments like yours is that they are predicated on decisions (White) men have already made (like what is ‘generally relevant’ to the course of history). Women (of all colours) and men of colour haven’t been party to those

You know, I wondered about that, too. But unless I keep stumbling into all-lesbian gyms, I think it’s just a thing that people like this do. Lord knows why, though. I mean I get that there will be some nudity at the gym, but this just seems waaaay over the top (and gross).

Omigosh, they used to do that at this gym, too! Like: why are you naked after you’ve already showered? Why aren’t you wearing shower slippers? Why do you have your hair-care products, make-up, etc., sitting directly on the counter (instead of, say, on top of your make-up bag, or at least on a piece of paper towel or

No joke: I once saw a woman at the gym, naked and barefoot, go into a toilet stall (which was across from the showers) while eating a sandwich. I almost hurled. This is not okay and I don’t understand it.

And for $%^& sake, don’t walk around barefoot in the gym lockeroom/showers!!! I don’t understand this! Athlete’s foot is a thing!