Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

This is horrifying. Quick question: Bess Kalb’s tweets to these senators/congressmen included numbers in the millions - does anyone know how she arrived at those? Not in any way doubting that these ghouls have received all that cash; just wondering where to get the information she did.

Adding to your questions:

Hmm, how about untying the hands of the CDC and other government health orgs so they can do broad and in-depth research into gun deaths as a health crisis? That would be a start.

Someone should do that study - unfortunately, it has been deemed “unconstitutional” to do so.

This is nice. It’s nice to just see regular movies about regular Black people. Or quirky movies about regular Black people. I get the need to tell history, but sometimes you just want to watch something artsy or romantic or modern (that doesn’t feature an all-white cast), and not another gut-wrenching portrayal of

Ugh. Prince Rupert Monkey is one of those commenters who makes every thread worse just for being on them. And he does this on every GMG/Kinja site.

Sigh. And women, too. I am so disappointed in Aisha...

I would be willing to consider letting her sit in a parked car a few blocks away from the BBQ, and maybe bringing her some rolls (no macaroni pie because bish please), if she releases those tapes.

Hmm, okay interesting. I definitely notice that the praise it’s received about its portrayal of mental health issues has come mostly in the latter half of the second season and into the third. It’s gotten to the point that I’ve been playing with the idea of picking it back up again, so it’s good to hear a

So, I’m glad to have a place to bring this up (especially since it’s at the Root!). This is going to sound harsh and probably be unpopular, but do bear with me.

Can confirm.

He wanted to say ‘you people’ sooooo badly... :P

Dude. I’m pretty sure ‘Paki’ is a slur.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and clarify! I suspected there may have been some difference I was overlooking in technical legal terms.

This kind of thing depresses the hell out of me. Her asshole lawyers sent cease-and-desist letters to some kid making pencils with those three stupid words on them, but when her stupid ass makes millions off of the very same thing, they want to act like it’s an over-the-top, inconceivable stretch for anyone to protest

But now Swift’s legal team is reportedly arguing that the phrase is too short to warrant any legal protections, and told TMZ that Butler and Hall can’t “monopolize the idea that players will play and haters will hate.”

Not to be a jerk, but as a non-American, I’m really, really starting to resent the fact that the rest of the world now has to fear possibility of total annihilation, thanks to the racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted idiots in certain sectors of the American public - a teeny, tiny portion of the world’s population -

He can rest assured that this will be brought up at the next meeting.

Yeah, I’m coming up blank on why they’re so amused by this. 

Ugh. Yeah, this is all so tired. How many more movies about quirky/plucky/nerdy/feisty/different-from-all-the-other-girls-but-still-traditionally-hot white women do we need?

And also, no offense to Holly Robinson Pete or Sherryl Lee Ralph (both lovely actresses and people, as far as I know) - but Netflix is sort of