Girl With The Pencils In Her Hair

*Sigh* They don’t, do they? :(...

Thanks, LionHearted - and I’m choosing to believe that you meant well :). If you’re really serious about being part of the solution, I’d encourage you to do as much reading and research as you’re able (I know we don’t have as much time to do these things as we like) on the history of ‘White Feminism’ and some of the

Haha, I had the same question - he’s a bit...nutty, yes?

Ugh, stupid Kinja won’t let me edit last paragraph. I wanted to say:

Honestly? It’s the pain. We’ve just learned the hard way over and over and over and over for hundreds of years, about the reality of anti-blackness, particularly as it relates to White people. If you don’t learn how to navigate and strategize and f-ing fight, you’ll be destroyed in so many ways, the depths of which I

Right? I’m not really sure what else he could be with that face...his expressions give me life, haha!

Black women aren’t monoliths either - and yet, when faced with the same choice as White women yesterday, voted overwhelmingly for the better candidate. Why?

I love his face so. freaking. much. (In a totally not-weird way)

Every time I see his handle, I think it says “not a cat fart.” And then I think: “YES YOU ARE.”

Ahh, I see!

So - I’ve had a long day and can’t begin to sort out that word salad he posted but...based on Michael’s description, is he saying that he was both on psychiatric medication AND he was pulling a stunt for an upcoming documentary? Because those are very different things...

From one person of colour to another, I recommend you do a significant amount of research into race dynamics and hiring policies in pretty much any industry. No snark: if you really believe the “only-white-males-who-applied-were-qualified-to-do-the-job” schtick, there’s A LOT you need to learn, and it would behoove

I also grew up in a religious context, where ideas about ‘modesty’ and ‘virtue’ profoundly messed up my understanding of sex and sexual agency, so I feel for Gabby as she tries to reconcile what has been ingrained into her thinking, with what she’s learning about the realities of rape culture. But that said, these

Question for clarity: did Ja Du specify which pronoun to use? If Ja Du goes by ‘she’ and the original article referred to Ja Du as ‘he’, does that mean that they(the writers of the original article) actually misgendered this person (Ja Du)?

Yeah, we had a ‘cooling off’ period after that. I’ve kept her at arm’s length pretty much since then. It’s too bad but you do what you gotta do!

It’s because White people (crazy as this sounds) don’t know the difference between styled and un-styled black hair. It really shouldn’t be hard to figure out if you spend, oh I don’t know, 5 minutes online looking into it. But that’s where the privilege comes in, where they don’t feel like they should have, etc. etc.

Definitely agree with you on the gender thing - being black and being woman gives them a sense of double entitlement!

It’s funny - as often as it happens (and it happens A LOT), what baffles me every time is, beyond whatever weird ideas these people happen to hold about black people, wouldn’t a general sense of politeness stop you from engaging a complete stranger in conversation about something that is absolutely none of your

Right?! I feel like my two worlds have collided and I don’t know how to act... :O

Yuuup. Happened to me allll the time working in retail. I could spot them from a mile away, too: smiling at me just a little too hard, lingering a little too long in polite conversation. They always thought they were slick.