
So become one, instead of whining like a B

Tank controls enhanced nothing. They were a dumb idea that I was glad we got rid of. Silent Hill 2 terrified me plenty and that was the first game I can think of that gave you the choice between normal person not-stupid controls and tank controls. Not a single thing was lost by not playing it the awful way.

Maybe this is only me but the tank controls didn’t create dread or fear as a child, they even then just created annoyance.

No. He sounds like an asshole. I used to get all bent out of shape about Donks, but then I realized it just wasn’t my thing. Prius (Pri.. Priem.. Priuses?) aren’t rare, fast, or insanely beautiful, so why not have a little fun with them? These things are ridiculous and they make me smile. Plus, a lot of genuine work

You know what? Me too. It’s goofy as fuck, and I wouldn’t do it myself, but if I saw one it would make my day. Still way more interesting than some crossover or brodozer.

I’m ok with this.

I’ve never seen a person be more wrong.

Wow. I don’t actually agree with this. This is Valve, not wanting to take responsibility for the content you can download from their platform.

I always really struggle to agree with people who find the service a “jumbled mess.” I guess if you dig in to see every single release every single day, you’re gonna find a lot of weird trash.

Why *should* it be Valve’s responsibility to decide what people are not allowed to play?

See this is why Mercedes should not have called it the GT. Now it thinks it’s a Mustang.

Back atcha.


Even automatics need (instruction) manuals.

Automatic transmission for when you don’t give a shift.

This is a horrible take and you should legitimately be ashamed for thinking this way. It functionally means that you cede all linguistic territory to the worst people and let them dictate your words. Was Joshua Topolsky really talking about media policing Jews when he said “powerful people”? No and it is easy to

It’s only a dog whistle if you actually mean it that way. If it’s not what a person really means, then the perceiver has simply misread the statement. And there’s not a whole lot of room for interpretation here. I think it’s extremely clear that Musk was operating in a specific context. Topolsky isn’t dredging up that

Seriously, I know Elon Musk is a fucking asshole nutcase, but he was clearly referring to the “powerful people” in the tweet to which he was replying. There’s so much else one can readily critique about his stupid position on creating what would effectively be Verrit 2.0 (but with actual investment behind it,

yeah, Americans know nothing about crafting entertainment that the whole world watches, right?