Helicarriers or Iron man, need something to take down those damn Avengers.
Helicarriers or Iron man, need something to take down those damn Avengers.
I picked one faction for each character, so no matter which faction won, I could buy the gun for 1000 glimmer(instead of 50k).
Bought Adventure for Atari 2600 from my cousin in the early 80s, after he showed me the Easter Egg hidden room. Thought there was still more to the game after beating the dragons, was kind of ripped off. I was 6 at the time.
No Crystalis or Clash at Demonhead? Would love to play those games again. Or maybe Guardian Legend, Faxanadu, Blaster Master
Where I am from most people called it Super N.E.S., or Super Nintendo, few people called it an SNES.
Actually that would be awesome if they made a sci-fi/fantasy Revolutionary War movie with a Chinese lead using/teaching martial arts to win the war.
It’s basically Teddy Ruxpin. Or rather Conan O’Brien’s messed up version of Teddy Ruxpin, WikiBear.
Was the character Paris Geller in Gilmore Girls based on Ted Cruz? Sounds like the male version of Paris.
Cyberpunk 2077
Oh, and the vault full of Garys was funny as well
I played the original 1-2 back when they first came out and they are still two of my favorite RPGs ever. But I enjoyed 3 almost as much, I don’t see all of the hate for the game. Its a similar game, just in a different format. It could never be the exact same as the original two (its a 1st person shooter for f sake)…
Physical documents seem to be pretty solid evidence and not just rumors.
Maybe the dog is an android?
“it got into my hand and it went bad, so I lopped it off at the wrist”
What about Dr. Venture?
Anyone try printing this image to a color printer?
Seriously, no mention of the Shogun mini series from 1980? One of the best ninja scenes. That was out long before American Ninja or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.