My cat needs me right now. I have more important things to think about.
Dude’s got some skills, but he needs to add editing images for use on a web page to the mix.
Sorry, but when people who wear religious head coverings have to daily fight discrimination, I don’t think this is funny. Odd how she didn’t fight to wear her glasses, but she fought for a colander just to be smug.
No way this dude was a baby. I feel like he sprung forth fully formed, smoking his pipe and wearing his denim coveralls, scowling silently at the doctor.
it’s because CARB found that the SCR-equipped cars were reducing DEF dosing after the test cycle, causing NOx to rise and go out of compliance. So EPA is saying “We think all of your data is bullshit and we’re not letting you import any more diesel cars until we’re satisfied you’ve got your shit in order.”
Atlantic city should create new signs for the roads leading into town.