
Reading this, I felt not schadenfreude, not anger, but... sadness. Not for Trump, of course—no, fuck him and his minions with a hydraulic press, and then fire the pulpy leftovers into the sun—but for the country. There are so many profoundly stupid people in this country who have blindly followed him up to now and

Reminds me of the time the Eagles swilled pickle juice before going out and trouncing the Cowboys in Texas Stadium when the temperature on the field was like 140°F. Same principle: vinegar = electrolytes

Splinter before this week- “Nancy Pelosi needs to start impeachment proceedings, but she never will because she’s in Trump/Putin’s pocket.”

Today in “Mandatory Retirement Ages in Politics.”

Judging by the quality of the video cap and the required use of a shared airpod, my guess is bloomberg is run but prepubescent teenagers hurrying to get done so they won’t be late for dinner because mom yells and still have time for a round of PUBG before hitting the sack.

I’ve been grossed out by my own earbuds; no way I’m sharing yours.

Would you like an alert on your car if you change the battery yourself and not at a certified dealership for a huge markup? 

Fuck this shit.

So, just so I get this straight. You saw an article of a sequel to a game you refer to as “mediocre”, saw the length of the article, and decided “I’m going to go the comment section and complain about something I don’t enjoy”. Does that sum it up?

Duder not to nitpick but you don’t need to describe Ellie as a “young queer woman” I’m a lesbian and the best thing you can do for gays is to not let that define us even if we have partners ya know? Like you don’t need to describe JD Fenix as a young Angelo Saxton cismale he’s just some guy, like “it” not mattering is

Considering all media, as a human product, is going to have an “obvious slant”, deciding to simply ignore sources based having one instead of taking into account what they say as a result before making a decision is questionable.

The great thing about America is that you are perfectly allowed to make bad choices in what and who you believe, so I’m happy for you and your willingness to make those decisions.

Shut the fuck up.

I cannot tell you, as a Social Studies teacher, how excited I am to teach this. 

But but her emails.... Barack wore a tan suit... If you are still defending this asshole please feel free to ear shit and die 

This is Fucking Christmas...they ALL are implicated

Holy shit. They knew better than to erase and destroy the call and transcript, but they thought they could store it on a national security database to keep it secret. Or something. Jesus. Giuliani is fucked. Also, MULTIPLE officials were concerned. Multiple.

That’s quite literally a description of geese. They look majestic, waddle funny and can kick your ass or generally harass you at the drop of a hat.

He had to buy back his toy airplane FOUR times because of me.