
It’s honestly really disheartening to see Kotaku completely ignore the passing of one of the people that made this site great. Not a single mention. Not even a placeholder to acknowledge it and say you have more to say after the long weekend. Shame.

You’re so full of shit. You misrepresented what he said, then act like someone else is in the wrong for you being called out on. Jesus. 

Welp, I think this did it. This is the article that finally gets me to say goodbye to Kotaku. It’s really sad what happened to GMG and all the other sites and the amazing writers. I’ve been around for years and years and I was hoping this site would somehow rise above everything. But this is just terrible, and aside

Wooooo boy, what a spicy take that was. You’re better than that.

Sounds fucking terrible. 

I want to be the mayor of titty city 

You’re fucking dumb. 

You don’t need to do this. It is a bad game period. And especially bad when compared to the other game in the series. 

This post is so unbelievably full of shit it’s actually impressive. 

What a remarkably shitty take. Well done.

Y’all, I live in Florida. I promise if I ever see this fucking Universe Class Piece of Shit, I will gladly beat him to as near death as possible.

Ah, I see, so black man kills black woman...white men are to blame. Brilliant lol

You sound like a ridiculous baby.

So none of you in the comments are pissed that this is an inbetween or prequel game when we have been waiting over a decade for a sequel? Mmmmk

Cool, thanks for letting us know. We really appreciate it.

I’m sorry, do you not see the issue with the vast majority of people not owning VR, and not wanting to have to buy a VR capable setup, plus VR setup just to play 1 game? Why can they not make it regularly but also playable in VR? other games have no problem doing that.

Your constant defense of her actions and inability to get the point of what really transpired and why it was bad, ironic and hypocritical is kind of staggering.

Yea, if they wanted to ruin one of the best sources for a video game movie, this was it. How can you fuck up the casting this much? 

I bought their release, Super Famicom: The Box Art Collection and it is fantastic. I may need to get this as well!

Granted, the details and scope involved warranted the long read. I really enjoyed it.