
LOL the irony of your tantrums is delicious. 

You guys are the absolute best lol. Between this and the Jez writers today...Bravo

Thank you for sticking to SPORTS!! Also, fuck Jim Spanfeller and his tiny tiny little baby dick. So small, so delicate. 

Just here to say fuuuuuuuuck Jim Spanfeller and his tiny baby dick. 

It’s like every week I find a new place where I “called home” is dying. This really, really sucks. 

Don’t worry for him. He is a piece of shit person. Not sure why everyone continues to give him passes and chances.

Stop. Fucking. Supporting. This. Guy. So many people in the comments are talking about how they listened to it...meaning they paid for it. Stop it. Stop giving him passes, or checking out his newest thing. This dude fucking sucks in pretty much every aspect possible. 

If you are working from home, you should be able to just install the Microsoft app Move Mouse, that moves your mouse cursor a tiny amount on a cycle so it always keeps your screen and status active.

Or opens it in general. I play mostly solo and my menu borderline freezes when navigating between the tabs

You may wanna update this. Masvidal HAS commented on this situation, agreeing with Nate, saying that he does not believe that Nate tested dirty and is one of the cleanest people in the game.

I know 2 people. Myself and my friend. We both played the campaign...and thats it. The campaign was surprisingly good/enjoyable by the way.

You really need to give Horizon another go. It is easily going to go down with me forever as one of the best/most memorable games I’ve ever played.

Or has the like, singular focus? Even if I have time I can only play a game for so long. A few hours at most until I feel like I need to go do something else lol. And I LOVE video games.

Do you know how insanely popular “pro” wrestling is?? Calling the games niche is something I would not do. 

Uhhhhh considering 2k is one of the most egregious examples of putting out broken ass buggy games that are getting worse yet contain more microtranscations every year...I think it’s extremely relevant.

Can I speak to whoever has decided to ruin Deadspin more with these fucking ads?

This was god damn beautiful lol

Nathan, I don’t know you, and you seem nice enough, but fuck you and your ridiculous ad. Jesus.

Honestly, these idiots have legitimately ushered in a second Golden Age of piracy because of their greed. Good for them. 

Polygon is the fucking worst lol. I got blacklisted because one of my first posts was disagreeing with someone (in a very civil way, might I add) and I got an email from a mod saying since my initial activity in the comments was negative, I was adding nothing productive to the community and they were blacklisting my