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    Thanks for the heads up! I was finally able to see Children of Men... which was so good I might splurge for full-price just to have it so I can watch again sometime. That’s how they get ya. ;)

    Thanks for the heads up! I was finally able to see Children of Men... which was so good I might splurge for

    You think they were lucky and managed to not have any kids, or just had a ton of abortions to save their kids/grandkids the trouble of deciding whether or not to commit incest to continue their lines, and why does this movie exist to make me wonder such things?

    For future reference, I think ice cream works for both kind of tears. “It’s a Good Day” ice cream tastes just as good as “the world is a pit of despair” ice cream. ;)

    A racist saw a black man raise his voice slightly, so of course he said it was an outburst. I’m surprised he didn’t use the word “uppity.”

    “What the fuck are you doing with that bar of soap?!?”

    That picture of him holding up a newspaper reads more like proof of life for a ransom delivery than anything else.

    “We were definitely proud of our association with the Trumps,” one says. “And now I’m like, ‘Oh my god, I told way too many people about this.’”

    Everywhere you look.

    Now playing

    It’s a lot less scary when you imagine it with this playing on a loop.

    Sigh, Obama. “Hillary is just four more years of Obama.” Don’t try to make us feel better about voting for her, Trump.

    If Donald Trump came into your store, would you serve him?

    CUBAN: “Trump is orange, shiny, and empty inside. I’d call him a traffic cone, but I’d swerve to avoid a traffic cone.”

    How could Trump confirm it if he was never told they were Ore-Ida fries? Would the confirmation be “Yes, I ate French fries around 2003"?

    Mike, let me tell you something: I never ever even thought about it. And I heard those rumors and they’re disgusting. In fact, I called you a couple of times to tell you that I heard those rumors and it pisses me off. And I never, ever even thought about it.

    Seattle’s a pretty close-minded place, right? Right? You guys are pretty intolerant all around, right? ::looks around:: C’mon, priest standing outside a gay bar, back me up here.

    Who knew Kato Kaelin played for the Mariners?

    Batteries! People always need batteries, can’t ever find any, always forget them at the store... A nice packet of AAs is my go-to.

    Reluctant star.

    I seriously thought it was a promise when I first heard the quote. “You can’t possibly deliver on that, it’s just some pie-in-the-sky... wait, it’s a threat...? I don’t even LIKE tacos that much and I’m on board.”