Glory hallelujah, I was watching this and bemoaning the fact it probably wouldn’t come to a theater anywhere near me, and then NETFLIX! \o/ I knew they were better than just an Adam Sandler warehouse!
Glory hallelujah, I was watching this and bemoaning the fact it probably wouldn’t come to a theater anywhere near me, and then NETFLIX! \o/ I knew they were better than just an Adam Sandler warehouse!
A Cajun restaurant advertised by a black woman? Please. Republicans can only spend their money at a place owned and pimped by a rich white plantation owner.
Why haven’t more restaurants jumped on the “jukebox filled with brand-themed songs” trend?
To be fair, a base-shaped cake WOULD be pretty cool.
I see what you didn’t do there.
That theme song was the Macarena, which had come out almost exactly a year before.
“This, girls, is a football. It’s what the quart-er-back throws or ‘hands off’ to a running... back... got that? Running back?...”
Ooo, St Vincent. That’s one of Melissa McCarthy’s best roles. I look forward to seeing it again.
People who live in Australia, a land where literally everything wants to kill you (not for food, the spiders and snakes and possums just want you to stop living) looked at these rooms and said, “Nope. Not staying here.”
If you search for “Holtzmann costume” on Twitter, you’ll see just how quickly a rack like that would sell out. Part of it might be Comic Con happening this week, but there’s always Halloween. ;)
Yeah, yeah, where’s my Holtzmann “SCREW U” necklace?
Those were boxer briefs designed by Idris. He put them on as a joke and then just... left them on.
Words, when you say them, with the meaning they have and the tone they are said, when it comes right down to it, at their basest components, for you and for me and for everybody, the simple truth is that, at the end of the day, when everything has been said, are, you know, words.
Man, these days I hear Limewire and I immediately think of “Like Morpheus, or Grokster, or LimeWire, or Kazaa...”
Or, just like Donald Trump’s twitter account suddenly turning semi-coherent, someone took over Newt’s social media to make him sound like a human being. This isn’t Newt, this is some college intern being paid in cups of coffee who couldn’t bear to type out the party line and just wrote what was in their heart. And, I…
Is our cultural attention span so short that no one has made a Hozier/Take Me To Church reference yet?
“Michael Jackson is dead/Don’t pretend you give a shit...”