I immediately Googled Mr. Archambault, and, as I expected, the dude looks like the washed up frontman for a mid-00s nü-metal band. The man is a human chain wallet; he is the embodiment of the metaphysical essence of frosted tips.
“Where are Jeff and Peter?”
If Perry Mason gets canned after this season, which seems likely given the state of things at HBOMax, this will go down was one of the most unintentionally ironic endings for a series ever. Perry Mason, the TV lawyer to end all TV lawyers, winds up in jail, and for televisual eternity.
Movies take a long time to get made. A quick Wikipedia shows that SiL was originally written in the late 80s and first went into production in 1991, right after Pretty Woman.
He becomes the captain of the Enterprise-B
That’s all well and good and within the normal range of subjective observations, but it bears no clarification on why “The Disney Corporation” didn’t see fit to do it. (A delay would have been inappropriate. I’m indicating a simple on-screen.)
“there’s never a suggestion that she’ll allow her professional duties to invariably take precedent over her personal ones.”
The name is a bit much, I think. Not that that will keep me from watching it. Maybe I just automatically associate the name Cotesworth with Marion Cotesworth-Haye from West Wing, and start laughing.
Poitier could do so much with a single word:
>It’s Dallas set in Montana.
Wouldn’t it be great to end up next to him on an international flight, and be able to ask him if he could just use his voice as his passport?
I love that album. I skipped watching this special because I couldn’t look at him with a bald head, but may check it out based on some of the reviews.
I feel like the Sabrina remake is actually better than the original.
Absolutely. I could always use some more Will Forte.
Sinatra was 73 years old when Die Hard came out. But I bet you they still would have cast Bonnie Bedelia as his wife.
Well I’m super glad that she hasn’t alleged that this was gender- or race-based, at least.
Amateur hour . Pro’s just sing their complaints to the tune of uptown girl
Richard Marx could have a marriage with any human being in history and he’d win just because he’s beefing with Rand Paul.