Medium Talent

I’m one of those who puts on a vr headset of any kind and becomes nauseous the second it starts up.  It’s really bugging me, because this looks like it would be a ball.  Still, I’m loving the game, and it brings me back solidly to the days of obsessively playing the Lucasarts X-wing sims.

Apparently being an idiot doesn’t preclude someone from spitting some pretty good burns on Twitter.  

Jesus.  Can somebody please go check on Mel Brooks and Dick Van Dyke?

While Sorkin wrote Spencers death into the show...’ Sorkin left the show after the fourth season, a couple of years before John Spencer died. People just discovering the show should know that before blaming Sorkin for the god-awful Season 5.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I can not WAIT to see this coin.

Well, isn’t it obvious? His whole look is ‘cokehead from Die Hard’.

I loved Wendy’s superbar, but the potato bar that I remember wasn’t unlimited potatoes, it was just unlimited toppings.  You bought a potato at the counter, and then you could carry it over and dump as much bacon, cheese, etc. on there as your heart desired. Or as much as your heart could stand before exploding.

Wired wasn’t a documentary. It was a very badly-reviewed flop of a movie based on a over-sensationalized book by Bob Woodward that was written about 3 minutes after he died. Pretty much everyone who ever knew Belushi loudly denounced the book and the movie.

‘...through the perspectives of his friends and loved ones, including Dan Aykroyd, Lorne Michaels, Chevy Chase, Penny Marshall, and Jim Belushi, as well as fellow departed icons Harold Ramis and Carrie Fisher.’

Here’s an exclusive clip!!

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Never a bad time for some Phineas and Ferb, but this seems relevant:

Who’s the best government shill you ever saw?

You shut your whore mouth. Steve Martin will never die.

And specifically getting it from children who are being tortured is also a method used by the villains in Stephen King’s Shining sequel, Doctor Sleep.

Other than Diane Keaton and her daughter both being pregnant at the same time, I don’t recall that much about the second one, other than the fact that it was more slapstick than the first one.

So Nixon’s DNA can be extracted from that sandwich, right?

Low-key enjoyable’. That’s a perfect description. It’s not going to change the world, and it’s not trying to. Just a fun way to kill a couple of hours.

This was dismissed when it came out as “Ocean’s 7-11" (which I’m pretty sure was a joke that they used in the movie itself). My thing is, why is that a knock against it? Redneck Ocean’s 11, you say? Sold.

As a low-stakes little horror novel, I remember liking it.  Never saw the movie, though.  

I never hear anyone talk about it at all, much less express their opinion about it. It’s kind of a forgotten entry in his filmography. It played when I had a job at a movie theater, and I just loved it.  It’s got a killer cast.