
And what Mrs A is saying is that, if you have "bad" and "worse" options, symbolically supporting your ideal unelectable candidate for ideological reasons is easy when your own privilege will shield you from the worst consequences of "worse" getting in.

Like those whore-murdering Stark soldiers killed by Brienne in like season 2, there are also just assholes and terrible people even on the good side.

If you wear a nice hat that wasn't bought in a supermarket, and it actually goes with your outfit (i.e. not jeans, t-shirt and trenchcoat), people usually recognise you as a sharp-looking person and not the scum of the earth MRAs.

To illustrate the guilt further: on October 23, 2010, a friend of mine committed suicide. He was a young man I directed in my first show, acted with onstage and generally considered to be an excellent human being. We were very friendly but not close confidants (although I was one of the first people to whom he came

My grandfather died today. We were close. Well, I should say, he was close with his entire (fairly large) family. We've been on borrowed time since he was given a 6-month prognosis over 3 years ago, and most of that time has been very happy and warm, so we are all very lucky it wasn't sudden.

Great article! So harsh that Canada stripped them of citizenship.

I don't think this season is as good as the last, but I certainly think it's the best drama currently in production.

Interesting that her response wasn't "I did something awful and feel terrible guilt", it was "I'm going to miss her".

Other way around. Stan's working to flip Oleg completely, but don't forget that he helped Stan get Zinaida last season, unbeknownst to the Russians. And it's implied that Tatiana was overseeing the Zinaida operation, and it seems likely that Tatiana is working Oleg just like Stan is.

Betty from the mechanic repair shop; Lisa the alcoholic killed by Elizabeth last week; the African-American cleaning lady and her son poisoned in order to get the bug in the clock in the show's second episode are a few who spring to mind.

Anyone who suggests that Elizabeth might harm Philip and (especially) the kids is watching a different show to me. In a choice between her kids and her orders, she'll pick her kids — she's made that clear before.

I do not, nor will I ever, get the hatred for Elizabeth. She and Philip have done basically as many awful, unforgivable things as each other — and if anything, he's the more selfish one: he's lost the passion for serving his homeland and "the Cause", he knows the things he does are wrong, and only does them because he

Ned Glanders!

Yeah, I know, it was an intentional HIMYM reference :)

First messages are so hard. I generally ignore them completely unless they're very interesting or very off-putting. Is his profile interesting? Forget the message. His profile will tell you whether he's worth a response.

I vaguely suspect she did tell the girl about the message BEFORE replying to me. We had a brief text conversation with quick replies, then I asked the question, then a couple of hours went by before she replied telling me she was single and ready to go on dates. She's a very straight-forward person, though, so if she

Rich people act badly in all kinds of ways (that's entitlement for you). That's why when we topple their empire we'll be totally justified in eating them.

All three letters this week are so… inoffensive. I don't hate any of them. Not one of them makes me feel a satisfying sense of smug superiority. What is this? What does Dan think I come here for?

Progress is a cloud, not an arrow! Don't feel like you haven't made progress just because you had a setback in one way. The progress you thought you'd made is progress. It's not imaginary.

WASSUP was right on, but for everyone that's like "you're giving asshole guys way too much slack" there's also someone saying "nooo, you're being way too harsh on my boyfriend, I really do believe he did so-and-so accidentally!"