
While I understand where you are coming from, and I agree that it's kind of a shitty thing that they said, he is kind of right. As with any creative endeavor, if you don't commit to giving it your best, you might as well not bother. Yes, there are restrictions: budget, time, life, and on and on. Creativity is often

Ummm no.

Yep, they are great. However, getting one is like winning the lottery. Good luck.

I've been on both sides of the equation(working in a road house where touring groups come and being on tour myself) and I can tell you that riders are absolutely essential. I know most people go to concerts to listen to music or throw up on each or whatever, but what most people don't realize is that a concert venue

Boo fucking hoo. It's part of an ongoing criminal investigation. You don't like the law, lobby your representatives to change it. Otherwise, have a big bowl of STFU.

I used to work at a software company(not as a software engineer). You know which engineers like to work on bug fixes? None.

Dude, no, you still do not deserve empathy.

You did not read what I said, or you misunderstood. People were saying that I have no empathy for her. They are correct. She is not in an abusive relationship at this point in time. She's just complaining that her friends didn't tell her that her man sucked when she was. If she was saying that she was being abused and

Ummm I never made any comment on how it ended. I don't know, you don't know.

I have empathy for people who deserve empathy. For example, child abuse victims, people forced to work in large farms in Mexico, and so many other truly heartbreaking situations that happen to people all over the world.

Seriously? Now people, who you know are external to you and therefore are not, in fact, you, are responsible for saying something to wake you up from whatever trouble you've gotten yourself into? Are you an adult or what?

No, it's not bullshit. What is bullshit is that many, many of the "singers" in the industry cannot, in fact, sing. The fact that Mariah Carey might be able to sing better than Beyonce is not relevant.

Maybe you should call the cops and tell them who these douchebags are? It's only a matter of time until a civilian gets killed by them.

Please shut up. You are just some internet wanker and have probably never even held a gun much less fired one.

Why shouldn't we want the death penalty for those people? The whole point of this conversation is that they are risking other people's lives, not just their own lives. I have family, mother, father, brother, wife, etc, and they all travel on public roads, so they are putting their lives in danger. And for what? For

Right, because you can't prove it. It's just something you believe and you spew it when you feel like it.

Yes, driving the speed limit is the "spark for the revolution" Good luck with that.

Oh really, is that why insurance companies charge so much more for motorcycles than for minivans?

For every person who says "oh we don't do that" and "my friends and I are supercool riders and it's the other people who are endangering us", I can show you one liar. Because you are lying.

Are you seriously here crying about not being able to go over the speed limit? Speed limits exist because people are too stupid to drive responsibly. You need to watch those "red pavement" movies again, because you have forgotten the basic physics of a human traveling in a tin can at 55MPH. To remind you, it's Newton,